Question weird issue

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Apr 20, 2019
so basically i wanted to boot up my laptop normally but it seems like it doesnt want gets stuck on what happens to be intel boot loader <i dont think the exact version is necessary will provide if needed.>I did absolutely nothing to the harddisk itself however i created a bootable usb(i know this isnt supposed to mess up the hdd but this was the only "abnormal" activity i did the entire time).i did some googling and it suggested that i snoop in my bios settings which i cant access anymore because apparently i need to get past the intel boot loader to get into bios settings.I tried putting an old windows 8 dvd i used previously to get the files in order to make the bootable usb.I used it so i could use the cmd to execute some commands i was told to but uh, that doesnt work really confused this happened really randomly so if someone could reach out to me id be happy.thanks

ps no i didnt do any upgrades and the model is hp compaq 6910p


Sep 22, 2019
Make sure you are pressing the good key to access BIOS and make sure you are spamming the key BEFORE you press power button. It you still can't access BIOS, when the laptop is on, force shut it down and try accessing BIOS again. That worked for me when I couldn't access BIOS.
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