http/ along with antivirus. This is your browser condom when visiting risky website. It would reset your browser back to what it was after use and also will not let things gets pass it into the rest of your computer.
https/ for extra defense from getting viruses.
https/ good free program for 2nd opinion scanner.
For free antivirus go with Bitdefender, for paid go for Kaspersky or Bitdefender.
http/ along with antivirus. This is your browser condom when visiting risky website. It would reset your browser back to what it was after use and also will not let things gets pass it into the rest of your computer.
https/ for extra defense from getting viruses.
https/ good free program for 2nd opinion scanner.
For free antivirus go with Bitdefender, for paid go for Kaspersky or Bitdefender.
Most virus infections come in through social engineering.
Your are at risk with adult sites.
My suggestion is to create a good external backup so you can recover quickly.
Clone your known good "C" drive to a SSD and keep it on the shelf.
Kasperski, avira, etc are good at detecting viruses that have not appeared before. Fortunately, that is not likely to hit you.
You might as well use the free Microsoft security essentials.