What brand of camera should I get?


May 30, 2017
OK, so I have a crappy Maginon camera that my Nan got for me from Aldi's. Sure it works fine, but I'm planning on getting into photography, and I need a better camera.
The brands that I've picked out are:
They are all priced around £80-£85. I'm having trouble deciding on which brand, as I haven't got much experience with buying cameras.
Cameras in that price range are usually "point and shoot" and have non-interchangeable lens. Try to get the one with the widest OPTICAL zoom. More megapixels can sometimes compensate for optical zoom by cropping, but generally more optical zoom is better.
Cameras in that price range are usually "point and shoot" and have non-interchangeable lens. Try to get the one with the widest OPTICAL zoom. More megapixels can sometimes compensate for optical zoom by cropping, but generally more optical zoom is better.
At that price point, it is mostly down to ergonomics and features.
They all have the same sensor size, sometimes even the exact same sensor from the same factory.
And will generally take very, very similar pictures.

Water resistant vs longer optical zoom.
WiFi vs water resistant.

Stuff like that.

www.dpreview.com and https://www.imaging-resource.com are two good places to start your search.