Alvin2Z :
Name : Intel(R) HD Graphics
Manufacturer : Intel
Chip Type Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
DAC Type : Internal
Approx. Total Memory : 1760 MB
Current Display Mode : 1366 x 768 (32 bit ) (60Hz)
Monitor : Generic PnP Monitor
Ok it seems you have the intel HD 2000 graphics, well it will run most games, as i said on lower settings pre 2010 games should work fine, say between 24-30 frames per second. Newer games however may run, but will be really choppy with frame rate dropping to 14 even on low to medium settings. Best thing to do is to search youtube for Intel B950 HD 2000 gaming and check the videos, if you can live with the detail settings and the frame rates then you're alright.
However an upgrade is strongly recommended.