You can experience more type of errors while you are using your VR device. This tutorial will show you what each SteamVR error code actually means and will provide you the solution for this errors. Read the steps bellow and you will find out what every error means.
Step 1. Error 108 – Headset not found
■ The first thing you need to do is quit SteamVR
■ Disconnect the Link Box from your computer and power. This includes USB, HDMI, Power.
■ You will need to wait couple of seconds and then plug in the Link box back in.Wait for the drivers install to be over.
■ Start SteamVR
■ Maybe there is a chance that you will need to repeat this process more than once.
You can also try to plug in different USB ports.
■ This means that your permissions are not adjusted correctly. You will need to make sure that you are able to write to the user directory of your machine.
■ This error indicates that your OpenVR driver is not working.
■ Check if you have set up properly your permissions. You will need to make sure that you are able to write to the user directory of your machine.
■ If previously you have added something manually to the SteamVR, erase it.
■ This error means that the calibration file of the headset can’t be load.
■ Fist unplug the headset from your PC.
■ Open SteamVR > Settings > Reset , choose Remove all SteamVR USB Devices.
■ Connect the headset to your PC and wait for the drivers to install.
■ IF this error continuous to show up than your unit is faulty. Contact HTC at htcvive.com
■ This error means that the calibration file of the headset can’t be load.
■ Fist unplug the headset from your PC
■ Open SteamVR > Settings > Reset , choose Remove all SteamVR USB Devices.
■ Connect the headset to your PC and wait for the drivers to install
■ If this error continuous to show up than your unit is faulty. Contact HTC at htcvive.com
■ Check the cables so you can be sure they are all connected properly.
■The HMD power cord with time can become loose because of using.
■So you can check this remove cable panel on top of the HMD and push it forward..
■Check the connectivity of your Link Box. See if the orange ports that are coming from the headset are connected to the orange ports that are placed on the Link Box. It’s very important to have the latest video drivers.
■Go to SteamVR > Settings > change configure directory > Select directory
If this step does not solve your problem try the following solutions:
■Downoald USBDEview
■Remove every non-essential USB device from your PC.
■Unplug the Vive from the PC
■With the use of USBDeview delete every existing USB driver that is not pointing green.
■Reboot your PC
■You can now plug in Vive into the PC
■When you finish this process start SteamVR and see if this has solved your problem.
■This error means that Vrserver is experiencing some difficulties while trying to start up.
■Reboot your PC and launch SteamVR.
■If this does not solve your error send a system report.
■This errors all happening because of failures with the USB
■Unplug every USB device from your PC.
■Open Settings > Reset > choose Remove all SteamVR USB Devices > Yes
■Quit SteamVR
■Plug in back the USB devices but this time use different USB port. Wait for the drivers to finish install.
■Start Steam VR
■If these error continuous to show up send a system report.
■In vrmonitor > go to Advanced Panel > click Create System Report > click Save to File.
■Do this only after you have tried every possible solution.