

I want to transfer all my old video8, hi8 and Digital8 tapes to standard CD medium. I will get a new system for to do the job, but I want to know which format will get me the best compression -- I understand that Mpeg4 -- if done properly is the best compression.

I also want to be able to watch them on a standard dvd player but from what I have read you need a compatible player to recognize the format you use -- i.e. VCD - need a DVD player that see's VCD.

Any suggestions from people that are doing or have done this would be appreciated.



Dec 31, 2007

Check out <A HREF="http://www.vcdhelp.com" target="_new">http://www.vcdhelp.com</A> for VCD stuff.

I've not made a VCD but I'm pretty sure that it is completely different then mpeg4. In fact I think VCD uses mpeg1. I use DivX. DivX is a hack of a M$ mpeg4 codec. If you are comming from tape you will need to slam the video over to your HD in some high quality format like MJPEG or MPEG2 and then convert to VCD or DivX offline. Check some of the older posts under this topic.

Check out <A HREF="http://www.doom9.net" target="_new">http://www.doom9.net</A> for DivX stuff.

Remember if you ain't Muslim you ain't Shiite.


Two ways - VCD or SuperVCD (MPEG1 or MPEG2). As i know, all DVD-players support first and most new ones support second format. If you want to watch video from DVD, don't use MPEG4, cos it isn't supported by hardware (like DVD players) at present time.


Dec 31, 2007

I'm no standalone DVD expert but I think you post is a bit misleading in saying that all DVD players support VCD. <A HREF="http://www.vcdhelp.com" target="_new">http://www.vcdhelp.com</A> has a compatiblity list if you want to check it out. It may be true that all DVD players can play store bought VCDs but for sure not all players can read CD-r/rw VCDs. If I'm wrong please let me know.

Remember if you ain't Muslim you ain't Shiite.


Thanks for link. You're right.
Search results:
753 DVD players all listed;
659 of 753 support VCD;
471 of 659 support CD-R;
375 of 659 support both CD-R&CD-RW;
513 of 659 support CD-RW;


Good site! Thanks


Take Care.
What the heck was that all about!


Not all Set-Top DVD playrs will play VCD ot SVCD's, but if you ever want to watch your video's on a Set-Top you will be better with Mpg1 VCD since it have better compatebility.
If you are getting a new system try to get the Pioneer A03 DVR and this way you will be able to Burn DVD's that will be compatible with Most Set-Tops and put some long files on them.
To create a VCD you can use Nero with the VCD PlugIn, VOB InstantCD/DVD or the new Ulead DVD MovieMaker.
Some more programs will be Sonic MyDVD, Pinnacle DVD Express and Impression.


Thanks for the info.
I will not be getting a DVD burner yet as the media is too expensive. That would make things allot easier but the cost of the disks does not justify the ease. I'm hoping by the time I'm finished doing all the video8 transfers to cds the DVD media will be more reasonably priced.



The curent price of DVD media is about 10$ and dropping fast. With Fuji, TDK, Pioneer, Philips, Verbathim and more of the big firms ofering resnobly priced media.
On one DVD if you come from Hi8 you can put 2 hours of video in quality much higher then the Max 30min that you will put on a CDR. So it's true that price for one DVD/R media is more then price for 4 CDR's but add the Quality and the fact that you can see on a normal Set-Top DVD and you have a winner.


Dec 31, 2007

My deal is MPG4 style compression. You can get 2 hours of audio and video on one 80 minute 50 cent cdr. The quality is close to that of a DVD so long as you don't zoom in. It depends a lot on the type of video you are smashing. If you are comming from a older camcorder the quality bottleneck is the camera not the codec. If you have not seen what MPEG4 can do you really should check it out. I've done low action movies over 3 hours long on one 80min cdr that look good. Of course this is not always the case and sometimes a 90 min movie can take 2 disks to look good. One of the toughest conversions I ever did was a porno. Everything is moving all the time.

I'm not saying that a DVD isn't totally cool, it's just that MPEG4 is cool too. Most people I show the MPEG4 videos cannot tell that they are not DVDs and want me to make one for their standalone DVD player. It usually takes some explaining before they realize that a cdr is not a dvd and will not play in anything but a computer. My computer is hooked up to a 32" TV and stereo. When DVD recorders are about $250 and blanks are around $3 I'll be in the dvd club, until then I'm mister MPEG4.

Remember if you ain't Muslim you ain't Shiite.


By then we will probably have DVD players recognizing mpeg4 -- hopefully!

Take Care.
What the heck was that all about!


There are several quaesions here, but the main one is how do you intend to watch the video after.
Normaly I need to make sure that the video will show on 1. Set-Top or 2. Old Crappy POS systems, and I had 3H video that the client was trying to look on a P120 !!!
I agree that if I was to make a cd for personal use or destribution over the net Mpg4 is the choice. But since most my clients will not know a asus from a pcchips even if the box will fall on there head my personal favorit is the DVDR.
Even if and when there will be Set-Tops that can play Mpg4 some day on the market it will again help some one like us that will go and get one. When I think on my client I can't ask each one what brand and model of DVD do they have. I can bill them Extra on a DVD and not VHS providing it will work on standars Set-Top. (some 200% Extra :wink: )
Even if and when Set-tops will be able to read Mpg4 you canot know what flavor of it they will prefer. Will it be Divx 3 or 4 or will they only support the original MS Mpg4 ?
(I can go on for 3 days).


Dec 31, 2007
I agree with Scub-dude.

It really depends on what the end use is. For me it is my 32" TV hooked up to the computer or my 12" laptop. Both use MPG4 with no problem.

If you need set-top compatability the new DVD+rw looks to be the way. VCD or SVCD will work for shorter clips depending on the player. If someone else is paying, who cares about media cost!

Remember if you ain't Muslim you ain't Shiite.


I don't think it is quite there yet but it is getting there slowly. At 15$ (here) per 4.5Gig disk, 800Meg into 4.5 Gig is 5.625 regular CDR disks. At 68 cents each comes out to be $3.82 for the same amount of media capacity. Now to pay 5 times that for one disk to have the convenience is just not me.

I'm hoping by next year this time it will be at that point to start doing all my Digital8 and DV stuff. For now I will work on doing all the video8 stuff to SVCD.
