What has your laptop survived?

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Dec 28, 2009
I'm curious to hear what your laptop survived. What make and model of laptop was it? Did it fall 20 feet on concrete? Did you spill hydrochloric acid on it? Did you keep on using it? Did it need some kind of professional repair to be usable again? Or did you fix it up with duct tape? Did you just keep on using it for months with a cracked LCD?

My laptop survived - cat pee. Not from above fortunately, but from below. It seeped up into the grill, but the only permanent damage the laptop sustained was that a couple of USB ports are now a little flaky. My laptop is a Dell Precision M6600.
i had a friend who has a acer chrome book. awhile back, a little kid rubbed makeup all over the keyboard. We had to use a knife to pry the solid makeup off of the keys. very suprised none got into the laptop, but you can still see the marks where we had to scrape it off.
i had a friend who has a acer chrome book. awhile back, a little kid rubbed makeup all over the keyboard. We had to use a knife to pry the solid makeup off of the keys. very suprised none got into the laptop, but you can still see the marks where we had to scrape it off.
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