BEFORE YOU READ: I did this on Windows 10 with an Intel Core i5 6200u (Intel HD 520 graphics) laptop with fan assisted air cooling. I do not recommend completing some of these steps. Step 1 is obvious, I think Step 7, (the last step), helped the most. Step 2 requires that you have a intel processor on your laptop with intel HD onboard graphics (without a discrete graphics card.) Step 3, 4, and 5 are for "Advanced Steam" users only. ("Advanced Steam User" is a term when that I see Steam use when I want to do stuff like browsing local content. Step 3, 4 and 5 are sort of the same step with individual purposes. Step 6 may damage your computer, (probably not though).
This focuses on H1Z1 with Steps 3, 4 and 5 but probably correlates to other steam games.
Many people may know all of the things I've tried, but this is for people who do not know.
After initially trying the obvious step 1, all the other steps but step 6 (I have not tried step 6 yet,) I increased my FPS from 24FPS to 60-100FPS on H1Z1 depending on the location I was in game.
Note that all FPS counts are approximated by me reading the Steam FPS counter and trying to get an estimate.
I hope this helps you increase your FPS if your PC uses slow onboard graphics.
My Laptop:
So I have an Acer R13 372T with a dual core, 4 thread, Intel Core i5 6200u 2.30GHz. Acer markets this device for the "Avid Gamer" for it has Thunderbolt 3 which they are developing an external graphics dock for. However, on 6/25/2016, their external graphics dock is not out yet, and so I wanted to see how to get performance from on board graphics. The Core i5 6200u has Intel HD 520 graphics. The laptop I have has 8GB of RAM in which 4GB of RAM can be shared with the onboard graphics.
I wanted to be able to play with my friends on H1Z1 (King of the Kill), I did not expect to get the performance I did, getting above 60fps, (sometimes well above that number,) so I want to share what I did in case anyone else is having trouble with their frame rate for on board graphics.
What I initially did was
1. Turn H1Z1 to all minimum settings.
This is obvious. However, I still only got around 24fps with this. I was not disappointed because I did not expect much or anything.
2. Go into Intel's "Intel HD Graphics" properties and go to 3D. Turn off anti-aliasing and select Performance under General Settings. Then go to Power and select when plugged in for the processor to favor "Maximum Performance." You might want to select 1280x720p under resolution settings if you are running your game in windowed mode for the best Alt+Tab experience.
This may be obvious, but may not be, I am guessing at least a few people don't know about this.
3. Some games have a file in which you can further trade better graphics for higher frame rates. H1Z1 does not let you access all their graphics settings from their in game graphics settings panel. There is a file you can edit to reduce the graphics even more if you are just looking to play the game with good frame rates no matter how bad the graphics are. The file is located under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\H1Z1 King of the Kill" and some of the settings should be changed to 1 if not already.
I learned about this today with this video: https
I am not sure if every game has a properties file like this, but I am assuming many do.
4. Use the same file from Step 3 to lower your in game resolution. At least for me, H1Z1 does not let me lower my resolution lower than 768x1366. This resolution is a tad higher than 720p, but you can change the Height property to 1280 or lower and the Width property to 720 or lower, this way you can game at the minimum standard of HD or lower if you want to trade better graphics for higher frame rates. You can apply this for Windowed or Fullscreen mode.
5. This is optional, but I like it to quickly Alt+Tab from my games back to my PC, to enter H1Z1 in Windowed Border-less mode, change the following properties (before the equal signs) below to their corresponding values (after the equal signs) in the same file as step 3:
I found this here: https
This will allow you to change your in game resolution more easily by assuming the resolution of your current display, which you can change in the Intel HD Graphics properties or by searching for your Windows display settings.
6. This one I have not tested yet but I am probably going to. There are some vacuum fans that can clip onto your laptop and create more airflow in your laptop. I have spotted a couple on Amazon and I am still deciding which one I should get. I have seen reviews on them where people show their laptop cooling on a temperature graph. I used "Speccy" software to monitor the heat of my two CPU cores, and I found that they both reached 70 degrees Celsius in H1Z1, since they did not go passed this with the fans on, I am assuming the CPU throttled itself, slowing itself down to reduce temperature. A fan is probably a good way to combat this.
One thing I am concerned with a external fan damaging the internal fan, which I read answered questions on Amazon saying that this is not a problem. (I hope this is true.)
7. This last step perhaps helped me out the most. I got about 24fps with step 1 alone, but this and step 1 alone reached about 40-50fps by itself. I thought game boosters were completely useless before this, but I heard of Razer Game Booster, so I thought I would give it a try. I saw reviews for it where it did not increase FPS at all, and sometimes negligibly reduced FPS, but in these tests the reviewer had a system that was better than onboard graphics, having a discrete GPU. I don't know if game boosters help to increase Video RAM, and I assume they do not. However, when the onboard graphics has access to half of the total system RAM the potential for increase is higher.
Razer Game Booster works by temporarily suspending tasks that are unnecessary for you to game with to free-up processing power and system RAM. This worked far better than me opening task manager and not knowing which tasks would hurt my PC to close. At the recommended settings Razer Game Booster almost doubled my frame rate.
Of course I would probably close all other programs you have open like Skype. I don't know if doing so would help though.
Thanks for reading!
This focuses on H1Z1 with Steps 3, 4 and 5 but probably correlates to other steam games.
Many people may know all of the things I've tried, but this is for people who do not know.
After initially trying the obvious step 1, all the other steps but step 6 (I have not tried step 6 yet,) I increased my FPS from 24FPS to 60-100FPS on H1Z1 depending on the location I was in game.
Note that all FPS counts are approximated by me reading the Steam FPS counter and trying to get an estimate.
I hope this helps you increase your FPS if your PC uses slow onboard graphics.
My Laptop:
So I have an Acer R13 372T with a dual core, 4 thread, Intel Core i5 6200u 2.30GHz. Acer markets this device for the "Avid Gamer" for it has Thunderbolt 3 which they are developing an external graphics dock for. However, on 6/25/2016, their external graphics dock is not out yet, and so I wanted to see how to get performance from on board graphics. The Core i5 6200u has Intel HD 520 graphics. The laptop I have has 8GB of RAM in which 4GB of RAM can be shared with the onboard graphics.
I wanted to be able to play with my friends on H1Z1 (King of the Kill), I did not expect to get the performance I did, getting above 60fps, (sometimes well above that number,) so I want to share what I did in case anyone else is having trouble with their frame rate for on board graphics.
What I initially did was
1. Turn H1Z1 to all minimum settings.
This is obvious. However, I still only got around 24fps with this. I was not disappointed because I did not expect much or anything.
2. Go into Intel's "Intel HD Graphics" properties and go to 3D. Turn off anti-aliasing and select Performance under General Settings. Then go to Power and select when plugged in for the processor to favor "Maximum Performance." You might want to select 1280x720p under resolution settings if you are running your game in windowed mode for the best Alt+Tab experience.
This may be obvious, but may not be, I am guessing at least a few people don't know about this.
3. Some games have a file in which you can further trade better graphics for higher frame rates. H1Z1 does not let you access all their graphics settings from their in game graphics settings panel. There is a file you can edit to reduce the graphics even more if you are just looking to play the game with good frame rates no matter how bad the graphics are. The file is located under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\H1Z1 King of the Kill" and some of the settings should be changed to 1 if not already.
I learned about this today with this video: https

I am not sure if every game has a properties file like this, but I am assuming many do.
4. Use the same file from Step 3 to lower your in game resolution. At least for me, H1Z1 does not let me lower my resolution lower than 768x1366. This resolution is a tad higher than 720p, but you can change the Height property to 1280 or lower and the Width property to 720 or lower, this way you can game at the minimum standard of HD or lower if you want to trade better graphics for higher frame rates. You can apply this for Windowed or Fullscreen mode.
5. This is optional, but I like it to quickly Alt+Tab from my games back to my PC, to enter H1Z1 in Windowed Border-less mode, change the following properties (before the equal signs) below to their corresponding values (after the equal signs) in the same file as step 3:
I found this here: https

This will allow you to change your in game resolution more easily by assuming the resolution of your current display, which you can change in the Intel HD Graphics properties or by searching for your Windows display settings.
6. This one I have not tested yet but I am probably going to. There are some vacuum fans that can clip onto your laptop and create more airflow in your laptop. I have spotted a couple on Amazon and I am still deciding which one I should get. I have seen reviews on them where people show their laptop cooling on a temperature graph. I used "Speccy" software to monitor the heat of my two CPU cores, and I found that they both reached 70 degrees Celsius in H1Z1, since they did not go passed this with the fans on, I am assuming the CPU throttled itself, slowing itself down to reduce temperature. A fan is probably a good way to combat this.
One thing I am concerned with a external fan damaging the internal fan, which I read answered questions on Amazon saying that this is not a problem. (I hope this is true.)
7. This last step perhaps helped me out the most. I got about 24fps with step 1 alone, but this and step 1 alone reached about 40-50fps by itself. I thought game boosters were completely useless before this, but I heard of Razer Game Booster, so I thought I would give it a try. I saw reviews for it where it did not increase FPS at all, and sometimes negligibly reduced FPS, but in these tests the reviewer had a system that was better than onboard graphics, having a discrete GPU. I don't know if game boosters help to increase Video RAM, and I assume they do not. However, when the onboard graphics has access to half of the total system RAM the potential for increase is higher.
Razer Game Booster works by temporarily suspending tasks that are unnecessary for you to game with to free-up processing power and system RAM. This worked far better than me opening task manager and not knowing which tasks would hurt my PC to close. At the recommended settings Razer Game Booster almost doubled my frame rate.
Of course I would probably close all other programs you have open like Skype. I don't know if doing so would help though.
Thanks for reading!