Solved! What is a Hi-Speed USB Device attached to non Hi-Speed hub



what is a hi spped usb device, and why out of the blue is it showing on my laptop? thank you.
there are 3 speeds for USB. USB1 is "full speed" (slow), USB2 is "high speed" (faster), USB3 is "super speed" (fast). it just means your thumbdrive (i'm guessing) which is USB2, is plugged into a USB1 slot (or it could be USB2 slot but doesn't have the right drivers for it to enable the quicker USB2)
there are 3 speeds for USB. USB1 is "full speed" (slow), USB2 is "high speed" (faster), USB3 is "super speed" (fast). it just means your thumbdrive (i'm guessing) which is USB2, is plugged into a USB1 slot (or it could be USB2 slot but doesn't have the right drivers for it to enable the quicker USB2)