What is error 15 on a computer



my screen has turned red an a lot of reboots and different files are on this page but it is saying error 15 can u help me sort this please
my screen has turned red an a lot of reboots and different files are on this page but it is saying error 15 can u help me sort this please

If you are running Windows
ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE The system cannot find the drive specified.
15 (0xF)

Which would indicate you may be experience the preliminaries of a drive failure or the program(s) you are experiencing the error with are referring to a non existant drive location.

I would suggest running chkdsk on your drive.

My Computer> right click on your C drive>Properties
Select the Tools tab
Click on the Check Now box in the Error-checking section
Make sure the checkbox for Automatically fix file system errors is checked.

It should return a notice stating tha the drive must be scheduled for check after a reboot. Reboot the machine and let the chkdsk run.