What is protector_dll?

protector.dll is not a Windows system file and is known to frequently cause computer problems. The file protector.dll is found in the C:\Windows\System32 directory. Frequently occurring are file sizes such as 790,520 bytes (38% of all these files), 748,544 bytes as well as 5 other variants.
This so-called dynamic link library (DLL) contains all the functions that have been transferred to a separate file. These transferred functions are available not only to this particular program, but can also be used by other applications. It was developed by a so-called third party provider - and not by Microsoft. It has none of the usual file information, such as version number, etc. This protector.dll process does not appear as a visible window, but only in Task Manager. It is unusual for the service not to provide any indication of how and why it is required. When Windows starts, this process is automatically started at the same time (Registry: AppInit_DLLs). It also can also affect other applications by changing their properties. Such manipulation can cause an application to do things other than what it is intended to do. The original file has been signed by a trusted signature authority. This lets you check your copy to see if it is a counterfeit. Protector.dll is capable of interpret keystrokes as well as monitor other applications. For this reason, 77% of all experts consider this file to be a possible threat. The probability that it can cause harm is high.

A protector.dll file has a 79% certainty of being dangerous if it is found in a subdirectory of "C:\Program Files". In this case, the file size is usually 1,718,264 bytes (52% of all these files), 2,008,096 bytes or, as the case may be, 2,004,472 bytes. It also can also affect other applications by changing their properties. Such manipulation can cause an application to do things other than what it is intended to do. This particular software does not appear as a visible window, but only in Task Manager. The original file has a digital certificate (see its file properties). It is unusual for the service not to provide any indication of how and why it is required. When Windows starts, this process is automatically started at the same time (Registry: AppInit_DLLs). The protector file does not come from Microsoft and is not part of the operating system. Protector.dll is capable of interpret keystrokes as well as monitor other applications.
A protector.dll file has a 56% certainty of being dangerous if it is found in a subdirectory of "C:\Documents and Settings". In this case, the file size is usually 1,718,264 bytes (33% of all these files), 2,008,096 bytes or, as the case may be, 2,004,472 bytes. This file has a digital signature. This confirms that the producer has been registered with a certificate authority. Windows starts the process each time that the computer boots up (Registry: AppInit_DLLs). The protector file is not part of the Windows operating system. Protector.dll is capable of interpret keystrokes as well as track other applications.

If you see this file on your hard drive or in Windows Task Manager, please make sure that it is not a malicious variant. It's a fact that many trojans try to cloak their true identity by calling themselves protector.dll. With the above information or by using tools like Security Task Manager you can determine if, in your case, the file is an undesirable variant.
