What is the flag with an exclamation mark?


Hi, on a user's post near their username appears a few icons. Most of them I understand, such as the accumulated points and Likes. When hovering my mouse above the icons, it actually says what they are in the form of balloon tips - except for the bottom one, which is a flag with an exclamation mark. Does it mean how many times a user has been reported? If so, I don't understand how I have been reported 45 times...I have never received any indication of that or warnings of any kind. Nor have I used profanity or posted against the rules. Maybe it means how many threads I have started?

Thanks in advance.


It is kind of surprising that no one answered here, but the answer I found is that the flag just means how many Best Answers have been received, not how many reports. In my opinion, that icon should be changed - maybe to a checkmark instead of an exclamation mark.