Jason Mackay
How is this Vaporware? DK1 has been available to buy for a YEAR for only $300 and DK2 is now available to pre-order for $350 (I ordered mine the morning it was announced) and you can always pick up a bargain on ebay or the likes.As for the length of time to launch the Retail version, they could have launched DK1 or DK2 as retail versions and people would have bought them then quickly realised there were not many quality games available and gotten pissed off, it takes on average 3-4 years to develop a AAA game so if Oculus take 3-4 years to launch the retail Rift then at least there will be some AAA titles available at launch.Why did they announce it so early? To get the industry to take note of how much buzz and media/consumer attention the concept of a VR headset is getting, with Sony just showing Project Morpheus out of nowhere I'd say they have achieved that goal, the world knows and is excited, big industry players are forming a line and signing up to support this new (Again) format and throwing development behind it.If you are so desperate for the Rift then bug one, if you don't care for it then why are you commenting here?This is something that has taken and is taking too long to release. What is the point of announcing this vaporware a couple years ago when it was no where from being complete. For all I know it is that idiot Carmack that is destroying this device just like he did with ID software...