You will also not be able to go on the internet. There is a better way and while nothing is perfect you can limit your exposure and prevent most occasions of attracting a virus.
1. The number one place to get a virus is the Porn sites , stay off them and you reduce the chances of getting a virus.
2. Email attachments , never open an attachment from someone you don't know and didn't request such a thing. Even from people you know (since they could already have a virus) scan the email with your anti virus software.
3. Get a good well known anti-virus protection software. I like to go with the Internet Security suite as it includes not only the anti-virus protection but anti spam and malware protection as well.
4. Don't just download any drivers or software , make sure you scan the download and that your downloading from the site that created it. For example if you have a Nvidia video card get the drivers from their web site , same with AMD.
With a little effort you can improve your chances of not getting a virus