Question What kind of storage to add ?

Jan 30, 2020
Hi guys,

I would like to add some storage into my computer my 1To HDD is getting full.
The thing is, I don't know what slot is available, M2 or SSD, and if M2 what kind and what lenght (I know it differs)
I've found the manual of my laptop but even after reading the section about that I'm confused and hope some of you could help me figure things out, specially the part when it says M2 SSD limitation!

My laptop :
User manual :

FYI: I've got the 17" version with the GTX970m

Thanks guys
Another option. Buy a SSD and a caddy to house it and the dual USB plugs comes with the caddy; One if for power and the other is for data. You can remove it - safely. of course - when it travels.

You could back up all the files on the 1TB to the new drive and at the same time, create some more space on that drive. The new one should be stored in a fireproof place - mine are in a safe.

We don''t like the idea of our home burns down but it does happen.
Jan 30, 2020
Thanks (I guess) for your input but no, I'm not looking to store my data an external drive in a fireproof safe...
2 reasons :
  • in case of fire the lost of my data would be the least of my worries.
  • I need more space on my computer. I already got 2 external HDD of 2 To each and what need to be on my computer can't be stored on them.

No one can help me figures that out ?
