What language should I learn first?


it's the simplest one, you can create small programs and useful algorithms. You'll learn definitions, techniques and the "programmer's way of think". Then you should try **delphi**(object pascal), 'cause in pascal you'll only create ms-dos programs, in delphi you'll create win-32 programs. Lots and lots of people say that delphi isn't a good programming language, that you should go to another languages like c++ and java. Well, it's good to go to another languages but delphi is a good one. Remember: the programming language is as good as the programmer works with it.


--- 81duz1d0
Thank you for your input. Could you give me a link to these places where I can get more info about programming languages? And all the diferences and stuff like that?

Thanks again!
I believe that visual basic is the beginning to what you'll need to know. Wiff that you can create your own media player other windows app and it is very easy to understand, second vb also will teach you the easy steps of c+,C++ that is where you will want to start.
I took computer science years ago and, basic,vbasic,dbase was the programing languages we started with at that time. These are the essential languages to learn.
Could you give me a link to somewhere that gives me more info about these langauges?


And could you tell me how I could make money with some langauges from home?

Thanks again!
as described whiff this you can build web applications for instance namespace, facebook
windows applications like widgets, media applications like nero its what you learn and how much you put into it is what you gain, you need a good plan to make money. A game for example has many tech's working graphic artist, sound artist, and a couple of programmers the programmers take that information and develop a engine usually using c and vb. VB will teach you how to create a install package and all the above. Your are starting with the right questions so hit the books go to school home if needed and away you go.
Example of a good game egine is the ut, developed by c++ and vb
Thanks for your input gomerpile! :) But im not sure I want to program for a career. I just want something I can do on my free time(To at least pay the $50 month internet bill :fou:) I am still attending High School so I want to make some extra $$ from home :) Anything! Either it be something with the internet or whatever. Oh yeah and it would be nice if I could average at least $110 a month 😉

Thank you so much! 😉
Ok then if you can pick up netobject and build a website its easy using net object or learn html, think of a way to develop a site that can make money from ad's or services
Do you have to pay to make your own website that anyone in your country can access? I had an Idea of creating something called youpoll.com where people can voice there opinions and vote n stuff like that. So do you just come up with an idea like the girl who made the website for people to download myspace stuff for free? I think she made her $$$$$$'s on ad's. And then create it?
not necessarily, you can have an HTTP site such like http//yoursite or your IP viewable by the world using a server ip of You will need to setup a server. I found that SHTTP works good for this. You won't get help from sponsor but you can advertise the site and in a way create a opening to get a paid domain by a company that may think you have something
Ok i gave a link you will have to ask your ISP provider if you are allowed to do this some ISP give you the choice to in certian packages.
Ok thanks! What about CSS ,Javascript, and XML and all the others? where would I go from HTML and XHTML? 😀

Thanks for bearing with me! :bounce:
That follows after learning html-xhtml they are the building block of web pages, learning css, xml is putten the cart ahead of the horse however if you are a quick learning you should not have a hard time learning html and css at the same time, really all you need is the basic of html xhtml, java is a whole different bible.

Do think this is a good plan? first HTML then XHTML and then CSS? Maybe Javascript after those?

I know it depends on how quick of a learner you are but what would an average time be for learning all HTML,XHTML, and CSS?

Thanks for the links! 😀
for me it took a week to learn the html basic and used reference to remind me of the things i forgot, xhtml was a week 8 hours a day, x means extended, css still learning. I'm older dude that has had a head injury on a bike so I lost some of the memory. However these are easy compared to vb declarations.
I learned in school the syntax of dos, basic and even today lot of the syntax is similar, and found that education helped me understand the meaning of syntax

To build a professional webpage using the 3 mentioned languages for me css is out of the picture until I can grasp all of it, I can write a basic webpage wiff nifty stuff, still having problems writing a search engine, linking a database with the search, autofeed information into a dialog boxes and a few others.
Been working at it for a year and able to develop a nice looking website with html xhtml and have made sites for a few companies like IN&OUT property maintenance, sunshine surprise, and a few others so yes you can make money. month of studying html/xhtml. If you are smart you would learn very quickly but keep in mind I have some education that did help me with this.
Oh yeah could you give me a link to some of the sites that you have created? 😉
Im just curious to see what you can create with HTML and XHTML. 😀