ISP's got billions of dollars in tax payer money in 1996 to build out fiber, but they didn't to a large extent. They instead bought out other smaller ISP's to decrease competition so they could increase prices and cash flow. They didn't innovate in the TV space either, they allowed various less expensive streaming services to take their cable business away. Now Time Warner wants to also put data caps on your monthly uses as well, so they can charge you overage fees.
In the 80's, President Reagan broke up the telecom companies because the phone companies were much like the current ISP's, too consolidated and not enough competition because they were gouging customers. After breaking them up, those companies were forced to innovate, and most moved to becoming ISP's and wireless carriers. I think ISP's should need to compete with municipal broadband, but they are lobbying hard against it. I lean republican, but many in the party are in the pocket of ISP's politically. It's no surprise Ted Cruz just spoke out about Obama on this issue, he took a $13k political donation from them just a few months ago.