What set should i buy for a VR business?

Jan 19, 2015
Hello community, im looking forward to open a VR Gaming Business in my country. Should I go with Rift or Vive? In my country we havent even heard of it yet so i guess it would be a good business oportunity.
What complete RIG would be good for it?
I was thinking about 4790k and 980 (that are cheap now) or i should get 1080 for better performance?
Addtionally where can i buy with international delivery?
I would say go with the rift if you have a smaller amount of space. If you have room for the 15x15 play area then I would go with the Vive. I personally have the Vive and enjoy the games/content that allow you to walk around much more than the seated content. Then again the Vive is $200 dollars more. You could also go with multiple setups with some Rift and some Vive.
So, if you are selling an experience.. I would go with the HTC Vive and setup a greenscreen display. Pretty much copy what they are doing at the HTC Demos.
This way you can demonstrate what people are laughing / screaming at.

Or you could see if you can partner with Bandai and get some of their experiences. (tougher).

If you are going to go with an internet gaming cafe, then I'd say check out the PlayStation VR.
The startup costs is cheaper than a PC, but the experiences may not be as huge.

Also, if you are going for selling experiences.... then I would also see if you can get those little "Face Napkins" to keep your VR sets clean and less sweaty.

If you are developing, I would also go HTC as they have the touch controllers and Occulus has yet to release theirs.
OH! And if you are going for "Experiences", there are some companies that are working to sell full franchies, with VR backpacks, and you pretty much just need an open warehouse space.

If I was going in biz, that is what I'd go for. Sort of a lazer-tag setup, where all you need is open space and some power plugs. There was an article for the Ghost Busters experience, and I can see that as the future of "Experience VR".

Do you know of any company selling franchies? I cant find one =(