What should be my next step after learning Python?

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Sep 10, 2019
I learnt two programming languages (Java and Python) from the courses available at a famous center called DIGICOM in India and now I want to take the next steps into it to ultimately become a software developer but, I have no clue what should I learn next, how should I learn it and should I keep only one of the languages as my focus or both/more of them? If only one is needed, I would prefer Python just in case it was needed to specify again. Also... The courses I did... I have no clue how advanced they were so, I'll give a brief info about it... I learnt looping, data file handling, exception handling, classes, inheritance etc. (All this was in Python). Thanks :)
Sep 8, 2019
You are doing great!

Just apply your knowledge on mini-projects or challenges. Or, you can go for Tkinter, SQL, Web programming with python.

Here are more steps you may try yourself:
  1. Start writing small programs yourself
  2. Use GNU/Linux
  3. contribute to any open source project
  4. Learn IRC
  5. Start a Blog
  6. Learn version Control System
  7. Join the User group and meet people
  8. Teach Python
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