F fayad safwan Nov 18, 2020 1 0 10 Nov 18, 2020 #1 I'm developing a system for smart entry/access solution for academic staff offices as my Masters' Thesis.
I'm developing a system for smart entry/access solution for academic staff offices as my Masters' Thesis.
hang-the-9 Titan Mar 25, 2010 20,148 284 124,800 Nov 20, 2020 #2 Well this would be up to you, you need to sort out your project first ,so size, cost, camera needs, etc... are up to you to decide. Just to sit by a door to type one, I would think any tablet you can find will work. Upvote 0 Downvote
Well this would be up to you, you need to sort out your project first ,so size, cost, camera needs, etc... are up to you to decide. Just to sit by a door to type one, I would think any tablet you can find will work.