What should i expect with "Open" Headphones.

Holy Wars

Aug 5, 2013
Hello all, I was just wondering what i should expect before getting my first pair of Open headphones. I have never used one in my life, I know people say open headphones gives it a more immerse feeling. Is that true? The specific headphones i'm looking at are Sennheiser HD 518. They are on sale for the Holiday's, for $78.24. Which to me sounds pretty good considering they go for around $130. So anyways, When i'm gaming or listening to music i sometimes listen to it a little loud (not too crazy, but enough to hear things like weapon pickups, as well as foot steps) But i was wondering if my Blue Snowball will pick that up. I just don't want people to hear an echo of sound from me.
Thank you in advance for whomever helps me.
Happy Holidays.
Open means that the headphones don't really touch your ears. They play in an enclosed cup that surrounds your ears. I have had many high-end headphones similar to these (much older) and they do tend to have a big relaxed sound. The one thing you have to consider is how you are driving them. I have heard these on a $3300 tube preamp and a computer and they simply don't sound the same. Without going crazy there are some very inexpensive ( $30 to 100 ) headphone amps. So if you get them and they seem to sound good, but they just aren't load enough or the impact seems a little weak, you may want to look into a better headphone amp, they will likely play louder and sound a lot better!
Open means that the headphones don't really touch your ears. They play in an enclosed cup that surrounds your ears. I have had many high-end headphones similar to these (much older) and they do tend to have a big relaxed sound. The one thing you have to consider is how you are driving them. I have heard these on a $3300 tube preamp and a computer and they simply don't sound the same. Without going crazy there are some very inexpensive ( $30 to 100 ) headphone amps. So if you get them and they seem to sound good, but they just aren't load enough or the impact seems a little weak, you may want to look into a better headphone amp, they will likely play louder and sound a lot better!

Alright, thanks for the help!


So one more thing, How loud will it be on the outside? since it is an Open headphone. I just dont want everyone to hear what im listening to in my room.

How much sound leaks out depends on the set, really. I've heard people say you can't use open headphones in a library. I find that hard to believe. I personally have a set, and a person sitting right next to me can't hear at all.
I don't often crank up the volume, though, so it depends on how loud you like it, too.

Ok, i was just worried it was just as loud as it was inside the headphones (if that made any sense) I wouldnt use these anywhere really, just in my room alone. So thank you.
Happy Holidays.