Chugalug_ :
The Creative Sound Blaster E3 is a great choice for a value headphone amp.
Currently goes for $89 and offers impressive lows and mids for the money from my experience with it (Sennheiser G4ME ZERO and Bose QC25).
You won't find an amp with specialty functions and software etc. unless you spend an extra $100, at which point you start to get into the audiophile range of amps.
Imo however, with those headphones you'll want to save up until you can get a better quality amp, as you will get much better sound for your money if you spend $150-$200.
All up to you however.
It was $89 on newegg at the time of posting, but the price seems to have gone up!

The only difference between the E3 and the E1 however is that the E1 does not have bluetooth functionality, which means that if you're just going to use it in wired situations, the E1 saves you at lot of money.
The E3 is 104.99 on amazon, and the E1 is 49.97.
In regards to the Fiio E10K, it has great mids and bass with a warm tone to it.
It is quite basic in functionality but does the job, supporting up to 1500 ohm headphones.
The only problem I have with it is that the soundstage is quite small, which may be a problem that annoys you as it does me!

Your choice, both are good for the price.
What do you think of the Fiio E10K?
Also where did you find the Creative Sound Blaster E3 for that cheap?