Whats the point of having smartwatch


Dec 11, 2014
Ok I might sound alot old fashioned but i cant really find the point of having a smartwatch.
Aside from being connected to your tablet or phone whats the benefit of having it? I mean we already have those devices in our pockets that we use as computers, navigation, books, watch, callendar, personal assistant and alot more. Do we realy need all the same things on our hand with some tiny screen?
So is there really something unique in those watches that we would benefit wearing them and not the old watches. I know some ppl will be like "Its like changing from mechanical watch to a digital one" so is it really the case or its a must-have?
Thank you for the response. While t the big cities around the world and for those "work-a-hollic guys" it is definitely a must-have, it seems that for people with my life style it offers nothing worth spending money. I guess thats the benefit of living in the Bolkans 😀
Looks like i will wait untill they add more features to it.