What's the skinny on these?

Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

jwelsh3374@aol.comnojunk (JWelsh3374) wrote in message news:<20040919234210.13148.00001099@mb-m28.aol.com>...

> Dig the Yamaha amp in a seperate auction.

> guido

I wonder if they did anything special to the yamaha amp. I don't think
removing the wiring to the XLR's would make too much of a difference.
Then again... who knows, I haven't tried it personally.

I like this yamaha amp and the model like it without the meters. It's
a nice solid amp for miscellaneous duties in a studio. Big transformer
and fairly large caps in the power supply. I think Yamaha was going
for 'hifi PA amp' when they built this. The manual (pdf on yam
website) for the amp is an interesting read.

Archived from groups: rec.audio.pro (More info?)

Peter B. wrote:

> jwelsh3374@aol.comnojunk (JWelsh3374) wrote in message news:<20040919234210.13148.00001099@mb-m28.aol.com>...
>>Dig the Yamaha amp in a seperate auction.
> I wonder if they did anything special to the yamaha amp. I don't think
> removing the wiring to the XLR's would make too much of a difference.
> Then again... who knows, I haven't tried it personally.
> I like this yamaha amp and the model like it without the meters. It's
> a nice solid amp for miscellaneous duties in a studio. Big transformer
> and fairly large caps in the power supply. I think Yamaha was going
> for 'hifi PA amp' when they built this. The manual (pdf on yam
> website) for the amp is an interesting read.
> Peter

When we got to Calgary in 1980 and the Stampede's electrician had wired
240-v to the sound company's equipment, ten of these blew their fuses.
That's all. They're built like trucks.