I am using Windows 2003 x64 and i dont see any befenits to move to move to Vista, but quite oposite.I don't get you guys/girls. This system offers benefits over xp. If you are mad about resources, look what windows 98 required compared to its predasesor. Everyone thought 256MB was too much then! Now you all have no problems poping in 1GB of ram just so a game will run faster, so it's really about the game now.
As for Aero, get the standard home addition that doesn't come with aero. And why not get that standard system, you don't seem to like all the extras of vista anyway. Besides, more isn't always better.
As for copy-cats of OS's, you can't say that MAC didn't copy anything. If you think a Mac thought up everything it has ever made on it's own, you are walking around blind then. Oh, and lets not forget to mention that Mac has successfully charged extra for every update to their 5, yes 5 new opporating systems. Lets not forget how crappy the updates were too.
I could write pages on how rediculous it is to complain over an operating system that will probably only cast maybe $200 dollars for a good update, if not a full version. On top of it lasting you well over 4 years. If you buy the $200 dollar version, that's a whopping $50 a year for your expense. I'll save the monthly value for you to figure out, or that might be too expensive for you to figure out. Might be too much time, could end up waisting it and loosing money somewhere.
Oh, and windows 98 finally stopped getting support, so that means in the 5 and some odd years XP has been out, people could use 98 without updating to XP. This means that you could still use your precious XP (because it uses up only a 1/3 of your ram rather than 1/2 OH NO!!) and just wait for the next operating system after that.
All in all, quit being so picky! It is a new improvement in home based software and it benefits the normal everyday user! Finally, we get a home version that doesn't suck.
Using 10 times more resources for windows itself ?
Be annoyed with overprotected scheme ?
Need 2+ times more CPU power to play same high resolution video just to be sure its "uncrackable" ?
I dont think so.
(not mentioning microsoft stupidest idea whats important for normal user, of more then 2 concurent sesions available only in most expensive versions of windows directed to companies)
And more important there will be many programs whitch will not work in Vista and I am sure companies whitch just spent milions for curent software whitch will have problems run on Vista will not move on it anytime soon.
Why MS need so many power just for windows itself when any other OS need like 1/10 to make same task.