whats wrong with my laptop?

Jun 17, 2018
i have a hp envy 17t-j000, and it's connected to an external monitor due to broken laptop screen. it's a intel inside core i5 and has nvidia geforce. so when i connected my laptop to an external monitor, i thought why not make it a dual external monitor display. and i did, been using it for over 6+months now, and all of a sudden i'm experiencing the "Black Screen of Death". fixed it the first couple of times it happened, and decided not to turn off my laptop again. 2weeks went bye and there was a power outage at my house. as soon as the power came back, i tried turning on my laptop, it turns on but with a black screen, no light on the screen nothing nothing. i turn it off and turned it back on again. the same result. i checked the Ram, replaced the Ram, the same result. the laptop comes on but displays nothing. you can here the fan spinning and all that but there no display on the main screen. so my question is this: did i distroy the graphics card by running dual display on the laptop or the Ram slots "cause i have 2 4gb ram installed" are bad or something else?
It sounds like your laptop may have reset the BIOS settings after the power outage, and is trying to use the laptop monitor to display any messages. Since you laptop monitor is screwed, you won't know what is happening.

Of course, it could be a number of things. You must really like that laptop to keep it with a broken laptop display. I would have gotten rid of it and gotten a new one the moment that happened lol.

hi, my laptop auto detects my external monitor, so i made it my main display. the laptop has just one hdmi port, so i bought a USB to VGA converter and downloaded a driver supporting it to power up a second display. was using the windows technical preview, and i got lots of updates all the time. the updates fixed the 1sec lag on the second monitor. so the laptop and the first monitor was 1 display, and the second monitor was the 2 display.

the laptop screen is broken, but you can see a light on the screen when it comes on. and now, there is no more light on the screen. it 's a 17inch display, cost about $350 to fix, so i rather use as a desktop. and yes i like the laptop
i bought a new laptop as well, but still want to know what's wrong with the hp.