My personal best is this. First, do a LOT of research. Understand what the terminology means so when you come across it, you won't get flustered.
Once you're relatively familiar with that, it's time to decide what is important to you. Are you someone creating a man-cave for you and your buddies to watch ballgames and other sports? Or do you just want a basic smart TV that you can watch in reasonable comfort, without a lot of bells and whistles, that's easy for you to use after a long day at work?
Now you have to talk budget. Are you willing to spend a lot for this TV and want it to last for years? If so, think about how fast technology is moving today compared to, say, six or so years ago. Most things you get today are going to be outdated in no time.
But again, if you just want a good TV that will handle the basics without a lot of technological experience on your part, then you've already narrowed your choices considerably.
What do you want versus what do you need, and how much you can afford are your three main concerns, or should be. I sometimes get amused by all the people waiting in line outside stores at 2 AM because they have to have the newest gadget, be it TV or iPhone or whatever. Many of these folks learn, after some time and a whole lot of money, that they really never used half of what the gadget has to offer.
Don't fall for brand-name stuff. At least, not JUST because of the name. I recently got a RedMi phone (the Note Pro 8 Plus) and I have a Samsung A21. The two are virtually identical in specs and abilities, except one was twice the price of the other. (I'd d bet you can guess which one.)
Well, that's all I can offer. Hope that helps and have a great evening!
I would suggest Samsung or LG.