When; i; press; the; spacebar; a; semicolon; appears

If possible, connect an external keyboard (perhaps via USB). See if that behaves -- if extenal is okay suggests that laptop keyboard cable or matrix have gone. If you've recently spilled liquid into the keyboard you will get similar symptoms.
This post made me giggle to myself a bit. ^.^

You may also want to consider getting a can of compressed air from your local Meijer or other major grocer and giving it a good cleaning. There may be something under the keys that's shorting something out. Else, you may have to replace the keyboard (which is actually not as hard as it sounds). Keyboards for laptops are pretty cheap and can be had (at least in my neck of the woods) for around $20 USD.
Hi, I'm having the exact same problem with a Toshiba T215.
Restarting Win 7, upgrading the BIOS, etc have not solved the problem. My last try will be to restore the system, but apparently that did not make any difference to others having the same issue.

By any chance, has anyone found how to solve this type of problem?

Any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks for the reply.

This laptop has a standard US style keyboard. The ; key is at the right side of the L key, so it is not that near the space bar.

As mentioned in the first posting of this thread, my "v" key also displays "v4", the same for the "4" key, it also shows "v4". Very weird.

I have checked the laptop for viruses with MS Security Essentials and it is clean.

The BIOS has been updated to the latest level too. My next try will be to use the laptop's recovery disk to reinstall it from scratch.

BTW, I'm replying to this thread from another computer, as it is a big pain to type from that laptop with such a problem.

Hate to tell you this, but if two keys are outputting the same sequence of characters, you have a short somewhere in the keyboard. Time to replace it.

I have the exact same problem! With the semi colon, the v4, and when I press C the cursor jumps to the url window. Also exact same A215 Toshiba, only with Vista instead of 7.

I have been using an external laptop for months but am at the point where I will probably just go ahead an replace the laptop keyboard? Where you able to solve your problem?