I am a new user, I just bought a new camera, I want to find the folder of photos I took to edit. Can anybody just help me find the raw camera photoshop folder?
There can't be that many folders and files on the camera storage, did you look already? There is not going to be a Photoshop folder on the camera. Just look for a folder with the files in it that match the number of pictures you took.
There can't be that many folders and files on the camera storage, did you look already? There is not going to be a Photoshop folder on the camera. Just look for a folder with the files in it that match the number of pictures you took.
Hi Tami Hansn, May I know what camera do you use? so I can explain well.
General Answer: To set your camera to Raw, In your camera settings click on quality (depends on camera) and choose Raw. If you can´t find it, grab your camera manual and look for Raw.
The RAW folder will automatically be generated in your memory card, so you can easily find that.