Which brings headset for me


May 8, 2016
I have a 3D vision 2 kit I feel progression was abandoned for. When I went to bestbuy the oculus had really bad blurring when moving my head. My friend insist it was the stores setup & mine would be fine. I did find the oculus to really pop & no eye strain like in 3D vision. Also for the demo they had I didn't notice any drastic quality drop in resolution not negated by the 3D experience. That being said I'm here looking to replace my 3D vision with vr-headset for all blizzard games even WoW,battlefield 4&1, battlefront, plants vs zombies 2, dragon ages, the witcher 3, batmans, tomb raiders, just cause 3, among other square inc games, and horror puzzle games like outlast. I prefer keyboard for multiplayer games. I use an Xbox controller for steam & single player games. I'm not looking to move just a solid 3D experience across the games listed above. So vive, oculus, or wait for Microsoft headset?

My build bellow

3770-non k 4.1ghz on asrock z77
16gb 1600mhz ddr3 cas 8
Msi gaming X gtx 1070
With an Asus 144hz 1080p monitor

Might replace CPU, mobo, and ram soon. I think it might be bottlenecking my frames on World of Warcraft, Blade & Soul, and 64 slot Battlefield 4 servers. Because in smaller groups on all those games I get 150+ ez. But it drops to 50fps avg around a certain threshold of players or certain areas on WoW/BnS with high levels of ground detail such as excessive grass.
Get the Vive.
If you feel like upgrading, upgrade to a 7700k or 7600k when they release early next year, your current CPU can hold out for a very long time, not to worry.
The Vive is much better than the rift, i've tried both trust me. 😉
Do you not have the space for a VR setup?
It really only needs to be about a 3x3m space which can be achieved by even just moving your bed to the corner of your room provided it is decent sized.
But why use the TV as a third monitor?
1. Your TV won't have a good response time for gaming OR browsing.
2. The size is stupendously large.
3. The controller will also add a bit of input lag.
You should still be able to find a decent sized space for VR, not to worry.
I have 2 monitors on my desk I use. When I play steam games like Tomb Raider or Just Cause 3 both Square inc title, I sit on the couch switch tv to primary monitor as I play. My girlfriend loves to watch me play. So for story games we sit on the couch & play.

>> That being said I'm here looking to replace my 3D vision with vr-headset for all blizzard games even WoW,battlefield 4&1, battlefront, plants vs zombies 2, dragon ages, the witcher 3, batmans, tomb raiders, just cause 3, among other square inc games, and horror puzzle games like outlast.

We are talking apples and oranges here.
You would not get a VR system to play the listed games. I mean.. you could, but you are going to be playing them in a virtual space on a virtual monitor. So, unless your place is either really small or really dirty, I don't get why you would get a VR system for the above experiences.

>> I'm not looking to move just a solid 3D experience across the games listed above.

Here is the answer..

What you are looking to do is add depth to 3d games. A VR headset will not perform that function.
It is technically possible, but there isn't any software out there really designed for it.

You can get software like: https://www.vorpx.com/
That will convert some games into VR, but I cannot state it's effectiveness, or what it does for motion sickness.

So.. in conclusion...
- What you are trying to do isn't really supported by VR systems out of the box.
- You may be able to use some 3rd party software to get the effect you want, but do your research.
- Make sure you understand what the VR systems do, and what you are buying.

Hope that helps. :)