Which is better for the eyes: light/blue theme or dark theme [visual studio]

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Jun 26, 2017
This is a issue i've recently run into after installing Visual Studio.

The white background(blue and light theme) with black text has more readable letters but the background itself hurts my eyes, it physically hurts my eyes.

The black/grey background(black theme) with white letters had more blurry letters but the background doesn't physically hurt my eyes.

The more time i spent coding, the more this becomes a more annoying issue.

Is there a middle ground or a way to fix the issues i have with either one of the 2 themes(black/white)
[Moderator Note: Medical issue - not technical.]

Please see your doctor and request an eye examination.

Physical pain is seldom a good sign.

Especially if you are a coder and "staring at a screen" all day.

Once any possible medical issues are excluded, your doctor should also be able to help you identify a supporting theme that does not hurt your eyes. Or otherwise make suggestions of benefit to you.

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