which is better?


Dec 31, 2007
I currently have a Slot1 p3600eb, oc'd barely to 675. The two major things I'm concerned with would be SETI and Quake3
Would it be better to upgrade to:

Dual(Slot1)600EB@675 Win2k
(Slot1)933e win98/2k
950 tbird win98/2k

i'm not sure about the T-bird, as my current setup includes a 250PS,generic ram,2 HD's,2CD's,and a geforce ddr. i thought dual 600's would be good as i could add my current processor (600eb) to the mix. But the big Q remains, HOW WOULD IT RUN SETI AND Q3? **Note I don't like overclocking all that much, just a little**
675 from a 600eb is a good oc, alot of them won't break 650.
AMD processors aren't the best choice for seti, my Duron 950 averages just under 6 hours, a p3 at 950 would be faster. A dual setup would be sweet, and you can run two instances of the command line version at the same time.
I wasn't aware they made slot 1 933's, I thought they were all fc-pga. I'd recommend getting a p3-750e, they have a great chance of oc'ing to over 1 gig.

And come on over, we need the help:)
I agree with galanz about the 750e. I just built a 700e and it over clocked to 923 no problem I could go higher but the person I was building for wanted his computer. That person was more Concerned about a $35 keyboard then the over clock.

What motherboard do you have? As far as I know the 600eb and the 750e use the same cpu voltage.