Which laptop is better?


May 20, 2013
Im looking for a good gaming laptop, able to play new games on low-mid settings, and i have two options
i3-3120m (2,5 hz) 6GB DDR3 1600MHz and AMD Radeon HD 8750M 1GB
AMD APU (CPU+GPU) A10-4600M 2,3GHz - Turbo Core 3,2GHz 8 Gb (2 x 4Gb) DDR3 Crossfire 7660G + 7670M
Will any of these two handle upcoming games like GTA5 Watch Dogs or Fifa 14 on lowest settings?
I also want to edit in music and video programs like reaper and cubase
The Radeon HD 8750m is estimated to be close to the performance level of a nVidia GT 640m. The GT 640m is definitely more powerful than Crossfire 7660G + 7670M which is closer to the performance of the GT 630m. Therefore, the Radeon HD 8750m is the better choice for games. Plus you need not worry about micro-stutter which some people experience with XFire and SLI.

I am not familiar with the programs you plan on using. In general, the AMD A10 will likely perform better than the Intel i3. On a per 1Hz bases, Intel CPUs will cream AMD APUs/CPUs since each core can process more data/instructions at the same clockspeed. Given the up to 700MHz difference in clockspeed, the AMD APU should be more or less equal to the Intel Core i3 in programs that uses one or two cores. If the programs you use can make use of more than 2 cores, then the AMD APU will likely provide better performance than the Intel Core i3.
The a10 is about equal to the i3 in fully multithreaded programs (editing). There is no 700 mhz difference because the a10 cannot handle turbo very well (editing the cpu will run at 2.3-2.7 ghz). The 8750 is a superior gpu to the hybrid crossfire setup.