which laptop should i buy Asus ROG FX553VD or Acer Nitro AN515-51? and why?

Make your first choice based on the above.

Then look for online product reviews by professional reviewers and verified buyers.

Go to the manufacturer's web site. Find the laptop's User Guide/Manual. Read the Forums and FAQs.

Then do the same for the "second choice".

Very likely that you will learn more about each laptop and make a decision accordingly.

Unfortunately there are no guarantees with respect to build quality and durability. Consider some extra warranty insurance but look at the cost and carefully read the fine print.

You may gain some additional protection if the purchase is made with a credit card. Depends on the card being used and the credit plan you have.
Check the hardware specifications for the games that you normally play as well as the specifications for other applications you currently use.

Think ahead and keep in mind that future releases of current software and/or new applications will probably require increased hardware specifications.

Make a list of the application hardware requirements. Compare, item by item, the corresponding laptop's hardware configuration.

Which ever laptop has the overall highest number of matches (i.e., application hardware requirements to laptop's hardware) that would be the laptop to chose.

However, that "requirements" approach is over-simplified. Other factors may be important: weight, battery life, available ports, docking station....

Just add any such requirements to the list and as before, compare.

im more worried about build quality and its durability
Make your first choice based on the above.

Then look for online product reviews by professional reviewers and verified buyers.

Go to the manufacturer's web site. Find the laptop's User Guide/Manual. Read the Forums and FAQs.

Then do the same for the "second choice".

Very likely that you will learn more about each laptop and make a decision accordingly.

Unfortunately there are no guarantees with respect to build quality and durability. Consider some extra warranty insurance but look at the cost and carefully read the fine print.

You may gain some additional protection if the purchase is made with a credit card. Depends on the card being used and the credit plan you have.