Which one should I buy?

the 6200u. skylake is more efficient and faster, longer battery life, and better performance. newer iGPU also. so ~10% better. so second one

Question: What is this up and down arrow on the right side of this screen. I pressed it and now it shows -1, not sure what that means!


Thank you but none of the laptops I picked is l55-c5320. They are L75-C series. I looked at this review and some other on Amazon and they both had pretty good reviews. Also, I previously owned Toshiba laptops and they always worked great. I purchased 2 Dell laptops in the last 1.5 years and nothing but problems, I can't wait to get rid of them. I will never buy Dell again, not to mention the customer service sucks.


I'm sorry, I didn't know what those arrows were so I just click on it and I couldn't change it to anything else.