Question Which Samsung Phone Should I purchase?

Aug 25, 2022
I'm interested in purchasing a Samsung Galaxy. It's between the following models:
S20 Ultra 5G vs S21 Ultra 5G vs S22 Ultra 5G. The features that are important to me are: battery life, Camera & processor.

Thank you for your advice
I currently own the S20 Ultra and the S22 Ultra. Both are remarkable phones. The S20 Ultra has the ability to change refresh rate from 60hz to 120hz. The S20 Ultra also is the last Galaxy to support microSD cards expandable to 1TB. Both phones have the puch hole for the Selfie Camera and Face ID. They also have 12GBs of RAM and great battery life. The S22 Ultra comes standard with 120hz refresh rate. It also comes with a stylus which makes it handy. The stylus is compatible with other Samsung devices such as their tablets. The S22 Ultra I would recommend purchasing 256GBs or higher storage, to future proof it. Hopefully this helps. Please let me know if you need additional or more specific answers .