Why are IDEs so complicated?!

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The complication comes from functionality. Visual Studio is designed to be learnt in steps, researched and generally is used by power users. The extensive functionality and intuitive design are the reasons why I like it. If you think it is complicated, you probably haven't programmed/researched enough :)
How long doe it take to learn about all these features in an IDE? Also, would learning to actually program help me here?


You will never, ever learn "all these features" in VisualStudio.
It is a tool. You use the parts that you need.

"learning to actually program" ?
Well...if you are using VisualStudio, presumably you are trying to "program" something? To create an application.
If so...then yeah, you need to 'learn programming'.

Describe to us what you are actually wanting to use this for.
I want to start learning to program, and i'd thought I need an IDE. Seeing so many people prefer to use Visual Studio, I downloaded it. Now i]I'm confused out of my mind with all these features and buttons, I was expecting just a text editor that would correct my syntax, and do all the other cool things, like put in " right after the first ".


Yes, VS is much much more than just Notepad on steroids.
Because it does a lot more.

Possibly start with 2 things:
1. Some classes, online or in a classroom
2. Notepad++ https://notepad-plus-plus.org/
Visual Studio Code is a great editor with a reasonably strong extension ecosystem. Despite the similar name and the fact that it is managed by Microsoft it has nothing in common with Visual Studio.

Your choice if editor or IDE is often partially driven by what language you want to learn.
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