Question Why does my Acer Aspire V turn itself on hours after powered off and continues to drain the battery overnight ?

Dec 10, 2020
If battery is in or the power-cord is still attached but the L/T is powered off, regardless the H/D turns itself on and is running although the screen is not on. The battery is drained overnight. The blue H/D light is on. Something is running in the background overnight !


Dec 8, 2020
If battery is in or the power-cord is still attached but the L/T is powered off, regardless the H/D turns itself on and is running although the screen is not on. The battery is drained overnight. The blue H/D light is on. Something is running in the background overnight !

First things first, id run a full anit-virus scan.
One place to look is in the Task Scheduler. Type Task Scheduler in the search bar to open it. It's a little complicated, but in the settings there are options to wake the computer to perform certain tasks. An example of this would be to perform backups. There are also BIOS setting for things like wake via a network signal but it's unlikely these are the issue.
Dec 10, 2020
In TASK STATUS it shows nothing has run in the last 24 hours. which is incorrect, as it drained my battery last night. However, in ACTIVE TASKS it lists 120 active/enabled tasks.
In TASK STATUS it shows nothing has run in the last 24 hours. which is incorrect, as it drained my battery last night. However, in ACTIVE TASKS it lists 120 active/enabled tasks.
I confess it had been quite a while since I fooled with Task Scheduler. To get history, you have to enable it by clicking Enable History in the right panel (run Task Scheduler as an admin. Unfortunately, you will then see a large number of tasks that run at shutdown and startup. If you can find a way to export and search them, you might see something. Ditto for Event Viewer. Sorry. It was harder than I remembered! There are probably tools that can export and search the logs.
Dec 10, 2020
P.S. : In Advanced Power Settings I discovered a box "ALLOW WAKE TIMERS" was enabled ! This is prob what is turning my L/T on at night as the other solutions above did not work.
I Disabled it, but am considering to Enable : Allow for Important Wake-Ups ????


Oct 11, 2020
I was waiting for you to mention whether or not my previous suggestion worked since it is best to try only one solution at a time. there may also be another setting in your bios called wake on lan that could also turn on your computer.
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