Why I Can't Quit the iPhone for the Galaxy S6

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Jan 8, 2009
Couple reasons why I decided not to get an S6 over the iPhone 6. 3D graphics performance is the biggest reason. Gaming performance on my iPhone 6 produces noticeably better frame rates and much less stuttering. Phone GPUs just aren't good enough yet to push 2k resolutions sufficiently. That is why Apple didn't follow the crowd and chose performance instead. Wise decision. My iPhone screen is also noticeably brighter when they are both maxed out, with bright white backgrounds on webpages for the iPhone, while the S6 was a more dim off white. Colors on the iPhone weren't tacky looking and over saturated. The apps are better quality in general, with better performance. No phone malware. Easy one handed operation with a double touch on the home button.

A couple of things I really hate about my iPhone though are the lack of customization and the inability to turn off that idiotic shadow effect that ruins all of my wallpapers. I wouldn't mind being able to delete a lot of the Apple default apps as well. The number of Apple apps forced on you is starting to get out of hand.

Curt Smith

Apr 10, 2015
Well, I'm on iphone but would like to switch, but my wife's samsung s?? is just a confounding mess. andriod didn't have a maniacle Steve Jobs to force a consistency and ease of use. I'd stay on iphone forever if it wasn't for a completely unexplainable failure to provide a decent Recent calls feature, with 10k's of saved calls and fully indexed not the pathetic 100 and barely indexed. Just search on the last 4 digits of a phone number you know is in txt and last calls... nope won't be found. Why just 100? The only guess I have is based on conspiracy, that Apple intentionally damaged this feature to thumb their nose at NSA's phone snooping. Less that's saved is less phone data they can steal from us.

Just give me built into the OS 10k's of last calls. Not via some add on that is'nt complete or only when you outdial via that app. Blaaaa!

Vlad Rose

Apr 7, 2014

No removable battery, no sd card reader; iPhone is no where near the best phone out there. And Samsung unfortunately followed suit....

Romeo Izdead

Apr 10, 2015
ridiculous as always with Apple fan. you take note on your iphone then see them on you mac? well it was a google idea with keep, so you have the same on any android phone, not only the galaxy s6. Apple watch is lame, not even as good as the SW3 which has a build in GPS. Bottom line, you are a sheep and a tech noob, you should stick to applause Apple keynote and stop comparing tech if you don't know your ways. you sound to me like those dumbass who complain about start button on windows 8 cause they are too lazy to look up google for a classic shell. well good luck with your apple environment but be real, look around you, and you'll find out the only happy people with their phones are androids, you know why? because iphoners never have battery to play anyway. peace dumb consumer

Charity Hagal

Apr 10, 2015
Why does every comment section related to an Apple article have to be littered with people telling us how they like their Samsung product better? Who cares? If we are interested in the Apple ecosystem, we don't need your useless anti-Apple opinion.


Oct 26, 2010

And what makes your pro-apple opinion so much more relevant?

The article explains how the author is pretty much locked in to apple products and that is why he wont change to better technologies. Thus, you get comments on why people prefer their non-apple products. I for one have a Galaxy S5 and it's a great phone, but for UI, my Lumia 822 with Windows Phone was much better, IMO. If the author makes an article stating their opinion, then that is what you should expect in the responses, opinions...


Apr 11, 2015
The author describes exactly why I didn't switch to Galaxy S5 or the Note from my iPhone, even though I suffered from "screen envy" when comparing my iPhone 5. Now I have an iPhone 6plus and feel better. The Apple ecosystem is built on ease of use and the ability to share and interact without being techie. People responding to this article are the consumer techies who don't understand the need to have seamless user experience for normal people rather a cool, customizable interface. My boss had a Samsung, but finally broke down and got an iPhone 6 plus because all of his kids and wife had apple products and he was missing out of the interaction. Could he have gone to extra mile to be sure that he didn't miss out? Of course, but why? People that responded to this article miss the "relationship" issue. Not surprising that consumer techies with Android devices are more likely to be responding to this article than having a family. The technical learning curve on an Android device is significantly higher than for iOS or Windows OS.


Mar 3, 2015

I think you missed the point of the article. The article was explaining why the author was staying with Apple products. The comments are pointing out how ignorant the author is. Basically the comments are refuting the author's "I can't figure it out and I don't know what products are out there" excuses. As people have pointed out, that same thing keeps people from moving from Android to Apple, but the personal limitations of some people is hardly a reason for more competent and confident people to not make a switch.

And it's not Samsung, it's Android.


Mar 3, 2015

That is just complete nonsense. My wife is hardly great at learning new OS's, but the switch to Android was one of the easiest ever for her. Probably the first change of phone (including prior dumb phones) that she has not complained about.

Also, do you really think that all the millions of people in third world countries who buy the low end Android devices are all techies?

Finally, I guess I've missed all the "seams" in the Android interface. ;-)


Apr 12, 2015
The difference between a consumer and a buyer IMO. People like you encourage stagnation of the industry. Why improve something if they can make a couple tweaks and you just buy it anyway cause its apple.

And why hate on apple? For me it was the change in the headset plug that initially took me away from apple. The first thing is saw that they changed the headphone jack i knew then that it would be YEARS of proprietary accessories for apple that would work on nothing else. Sorry im not buying into that. And obviously it turned out exactly as i knew it would.

Sorry i need a great product. And all apple had was great marketing and proprietary designs. You didnt stay with apple because you just so happened to have so much apple stuff.... THEY LOCKED YOU INTO THAT. It wasnt by accident. It was to be that way from day 1. And im not a consumer... im a buyer and i wont be locked into anything by anyone.


Mar 3, 2015

You have a much higher impression or expectations of the tech press than I do. This is exactly what I would expect. Realize that that author probably only tried a S6 because they have some strange belief that a metal smartphone case is better than a plastic case.


Apr 14, 2015
I would have to agree with the writer on this one, I came from android and thought it could not get any better. I have owned and used many android devices from Samsung, HTC, LG and more 9 phones and tablets). Unfortunately android was always the same to me on any device, you buy it > it's great> 1 month later it starts to slow down> then comes the lagging and glitching> Then you have to constantly reboot and finally do a restore and start over again.

I got the Iphone 5 and thought it was ok but battery life was nonexistent, and screen was to small, then i switched to Windows phone and though it was good but just didn't wow me. I also had a blackberry Z10, Amazing phone loved the OS, But was missing the appearance of the Higher end phones OS and externals.

I tried writing apps for android but was difficult due to the learning curve as i work full time and didn't hours and hours of time to sit there to learn, Then i tried Xcode for Apple, It was super easy to learn and use, made a few small apps for my self to the play around with. Then i decided to get the Iphone 6 and it is the perfect phone for me.

It dose every thing i need it to and never once had any issues were if i had android i could do something the Iphone couldn't, i get a easy day and a half of battery (usually 2 days), i got a Mack book pro around 8 month ago for photography and a apple TV, Every thing works together no need to set anything up or mess around with connecting stuff.

I have tried using other eco systems and tried tying them in with my gaming PC but the is every man and his dog making android apps and nothing ever works the same on every device were apples IOS is only made buy apple word works with all there features, The apps are made using apples programs do work perfectly with apples OS. Never had glitching, lagging or anything of the sort with my IOS devises. IT JUST WORKS !

I am very open to tech as i own A dedicated Gaming PC, MacBook Pro, Xbox one, PS4, Iphone 6 so im not a Fan boy of any one brand But Apple is perfect for me.

This is my opinion and this comes from my experience, im not trying to covert anyone or start a argument, This is simply how i feel.

Anne Martin

Dec 11, 2014

no, you missed the whole point of the apple philosophy, or of Jobs' way of thinking ; create the product before the need, and create a line of products intricated with each other so that you will want them to connect seamlessly. The author says "with apple, I have a family". Remember how apple thought of not selling the iphone in Europe because they did not want their phones un-simlocked? Apple is a fascist company, they want all of you... your computer, your phone, your music source, etc, etc. And of course it's Android, but the phone the author was comparing his iphone to was the Samsung, the biggest concurrent. And the author is not ignorantt or lazy. He knows apple products are hardly compatible with other brands. While android is open source, apple uses the most protected software you can think about.
Don't you think it funny to have a google store for everything but apple and an apple one for them? do you know how much itunes makes each year? Read about it, or read Jobs'biography by Isaacson, and think a bit.
Now, I'm looking at the microsoft surface 3 pro and wait for the price to go down, because that's he tablet I want, not the Ipad air 2.


Apr 19, 2015
Google Keep is the answer for notes & Hangouts is the answer for calls & texts. I have them on my phone & I can view them on my Windows laptop. They can also be used on iOS devices. Google + is the answer for photos. I don't use this, but for anyone that does, it's on all their devices, & it's not limited to Android. Samsung does have it's own syncing services, but if you use Android Google syncing, then you can switch to any brand phone with the Android operating system.


Apr 19, 2015
I have owned every iPhone since the very first. I also own three iPads, two Mac books, two Apple TVs, and owned several iPods over the years. I've come to the conclusion however that Apple has lost its focus and purpose. How else do you explain pushing that overpriced watch that mimics my phone when they haven't bothered to fix our flash issues yet? One look at the S6s appearance, specs, and hard wear makes it clear that the IPhone is resting on its reputation. Research and Development has lost out to profit and promotion. In my opinion, when Reseach and Development produces, it sould be rewarded with our business. Samsung should have never beaten Apple to that device. Think about it. How does another company make the device you created better than you? I've ordered a 128 gig S6 Edge, the case, and A REAL WIRELESS CHARGER and I'm not looking back. My ecosystem diversification started two days ago. (A 10,000 plus dollar gold watch. They really need to get a clue in Cupertino.)


May 25, 2015
I am so glad I am not the only one who couldn't commit to the Samsung Galaxy S6. I bought it two days ago and within 24 hours, I had a meltdown and had to upgrade to the iPhone 6 plus (which I am SO happy with!). I spent 4 hours trying to settle on a free theme that I wasn't I love with (but it was better than the other ones offered) and nearly 8 hours trying to remember which apps I had on my old iPhone and download each and every one of them (not to mention sign into all of the again). Bloat ware is ridiculous, especially with hidden charges (no thank you AT&T). I know people who absolutely adore their androids and those who feel the same about their apple products. I think it come down to preference. I have realized I am a die hard App,e fan. I would strongly urge the die hard to stick with your preferred platforms; you may just get really disappointed as I was. Not because there is anything specifically wrong with the Galaxy s6, but because I'm an Apple gal.
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