@TJB88 : Just wrote that's garbage, you are more biased than this article.
You can show any number and make him tell what you want. So if you compare RAW number in term of power, yeah, but it's like always the AMD/Intel war.
It's not because it's similar that will give similar result. Same Ghz last generation, Intel will always give better result (gigaflops) BUT... you can still run the game! And correctly tweaked you see no difference at all. So the question is more - Did you take the time to release a quality game running with the hardware you have? So it's not because you buy an AMD that you have a "out to date" system as you claim! Lower gigaflops give awesome result if optimized and tweaked properly.
One other test that I think more interresting is compare which console properly completely support 1080p. Xbox360 do not run 1080p. XOne have trouble running 1080p, they do memory management tweak that reduce their (maximum) "gigaflops" a lot and they kill the Kinect to achieve it. Wii U run completely 1080p with an extra screen. PS4 is a monster and it's what people like about this console. So Wii U is not really that far of what you consider next gen. So don't be fool about it. Boosted old chipset but still pretty close to everything that you consider next gen. You can said it's not the same but can't say that everything depend on that.
Just what this review of Mario Kart 8
/youtu.be/2DlTa0SwEto .You'll understand.
"Many people buy consoles to play on big tvs or to be social." You need to be open mind here. It's sure that the gamepad doesn't suit every games. But that open new gameplay. It's a strategic gamepad and you're are not force to use it in most game. You still can use a Wii U Pro for start the console, move in the menu and play. The Wii U Pro just don't come with the console...
Where you see limited library I see the richest one. More exclusive, different gameplay, not always the same game available on 3 others platform. Like the same argument as everybody here, "if I can have it on PC, why I would buy it's on PS4 or XOne?".
"The games it has are 90% rehashed for over 20 years". It's the same for every 3d shooter, Battlefield, event GTA and you precious simulation racing... They do the same on PS4, giving you the possibility to buy PS3 games in their store. Will happen to XOne, if it's not already the case.
Just watch
/www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIfmxNhtHQM . I did agree with that guy. It's for E3 but it's still actual. Just start at 15:50.
"What would it take for you to not recommend a Nintendo console?". I would not recommended the console Wii U the 2 first year when the console was released. Too few quality games... good games coming from out of the blue but people waiting for franchise games like Mario Kart, SSB, Legend of Zelda, ect.. Now the console have them and many other are in the way like Zelda Open world and Mario Party in 2015. So there is no reason to not recommend it right now.
I don't say that I'll always prefer the Wii U but right now XOne and PS4 have no interresting exclusive games or exclusivity it's something temporal that they buy from 3rd party. 3rd party moslty always release on XOne/PS4 and PC... and PC get them for cheap (price cut after 1-3 months). I buy lastest Tomb Raider pre-released. Play few hours but not enough. 1-2 months after, it's was already 50% off without additional rebate! I hate myself a little bit for buy it pre-release. Business model they chose with 3rd party is their weakness. So what's the point for now?