Why the Wii U is the Best Console You Can Buy

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I have to back up the Author here. The Wii U stands out because it focuses on the "Art of Video Gaming" and not the merely the "Science of Video Games." Visually interesting graphic design and highly varied game play COMPLETELY DESTROY accurate lighting and realistic physics EVERY...SINGLE...TIME. I can't find a reason to trow away money on an XBox or Playstation when I have a gaming PC that completely satisfies the technical Video Game supremacy.

But know this...only Nintendo can deliver on the simple and nostalgic fun that Console Video Gaming was created to provide. Microsoft and Sony just don't get it.
I was considering getting a Wii U to replace the Wii and complement my PC and 360. But it's just too expensive to justify spending all that money for two games. Because for me the ONLY two games I want are Smash Brothers and Mario Kart. The console itself is too expensive for what you get anyway, the hardware is strictly last-gen in terms of capability and storage capacity, but nearly current-gen in price. Especially when you factor in getting the console, SB, Kart, and a second "controller".

Also, I hate the controller/tablet. They could have made the touch display smaller (almost as small as using a VMU back on Dreamcast) and I'd have been OK with that. But it's too big and it ends up detracting from the TV-gaming-with-a-controller experience. Not to mention they're expensive and kids are going to crack that big display with a single good drop.

The only thing that makes the WiiU stand out is the record breaking low sales it is receiving.

But you hit the nail on the head on why most people buy it - nostalgia. However selling something on nostalgia means you can not recommend it as the product could be (and in this case is) utter junk and yet some people will still enjoy it simply due to the memories it invokes....rather than the actual gaming experience it delivers.
I tried playing Far Cry 4 on both an Xbox One and PC, the game bored me to tears in the first 30 minutes of ridiculous voice acting from the overly cliche characters - I doubt I'll ever pick it up again - it's really that bad.

But I played almost 20 hours of Super Smash Bros. on my Wii U over Christmas vacation. It's not just Nostalgic...it's damn fun and I can't wait to get the Game Cube Controller adapter (the hardest item to find this past Christmas season) for 8-way play. It will be GLORIOUS.
What a biased article.

The library is horribly limited - want a racing sim, indie games etc? Not happening with this console. The games are only bug free due to zero innovation and development of the game from previous generations. None of their games for years have pushed technical limits which create these bugs.
The pad is a joke and only rubs salt in the wound (the huge lack in power). It is incredibly award to use and has a dire lifespan. "Free from your tv"? Sorry, but only very young kids have this problem as everyone else has their own tv in their room or in their house.
PS3 had netflix years ago, and most smart tvs aka most tvs nowadays have connectivity and boot way faster.
Nintendo selling yet more extras for their console? Well I never. That instantly kills your next point - it being cheaper. With all the extras, it is far more expensive and very old hardware.

Next time, keep the fanboy drivel for forums and not on a decent and impartial site like this one.

It's not really a biased article. We have to agree that 3rd party tend to deliver bad quality game at least in 2014. This should have been writed a month ago... just before xmas.

All consoles or PC have theirs "Pros and Cons". But you still need to be fair in your comparaison. It's not because at your opinion, you prefer a console that you need to bash others or say they is not innovation elsewhere.

So I do not agree that Wii U bring zero innovation. No one would actually agree with that. Stream on a second screen which not have to be the same as your tv. Close your tv and you can still play! I cannot blame you on that Nintendo had bad time selling the pad... but I think they success on that on the long term. So they innovated.

For the hardware it's a close call. You can't write like as if it's was really really old system. Seem that you don't know what you talking about... To be fair, the Wii U hardware is probably really similar with the XOne! Nintendo hardware could require more tweak (which apply when 3rd party developper try to just run the exact same code on multi-plateform game model) which it's probably why Nintendo do magic (just check 1080p Mario Kart MEN!) when some 3rd party like EA just cry. It's just a 3rd party war here (by EA, Ubisoft fallow like good dog) for not selling enough of their games on Wii U. It's mainly due that the only games they release are just recompilated version of games already existing on XBox360/PS3/PC or bad quality games and because they decided to not spend a penny to adapt them correctly. They finally never released a good exclusive games and blamed the console. Bad hardware or just ill will? I think ill will.

I also have to agree on the level of the sale. Wii U console sale could be better. Nintendo miss many opportunity and marketing do not deliver anything. Still Nintendo do not lose any money on the sale of the Wii U. XOne did a great marketing push selling under the production cost of their hardware. Pros: XOne is not consider a failure. Cons: Still no game.

That put us to the library. I can understand that Wii U don't have any simulation racing games... they have Mario Kart which is *surealist* arcade racing game which is probably not what you except. But you must also agree on the fact there is more quality titles on the Wii U. Also there are many indies games. So the console is still be a good choice.

For PC people who written some remark about PC. Yeah the PC is always better than any console. It's why you need to compare console with others consoles. It's difficult to compare a $300 bucks console with a pad with a $1000 PC. Some people prefer dedicate hardware like a console and a console have his charm.
Did no one else notice the "Op-Ed" next to the article name? Basically, it means the article is opinion. I for one am in the same camp as the editor, difference being that I bought mine last October. I have loved every game I have gotten for the system and am excited for the next year (especially Xenoblade and Zelda). This does not mean that other systems suck because any game issues they have is the developers fault. The difference with Nintendo is that they have released more 1st party games than the other 2 and the quality of these titles has been high. With the right GPU, PC will still be king, but it doesn't have Wii U exclusives and there is no emulator for it.

On to the games, Nintendo delivered quality titles that are incredibly fun. Other systems have had to mostly rely on third party offerings and this has been a mixed bag. Part of the issue is hype. Fans want the next big thing, but the developers for some of the most hyped games simply weren't up to the task. Watch Dogs was just ok. Destiny is fun, but it is a grind fest with a bland story. COD:AW was more of the same, but at least it wasn't a broken mess. SoM and DA:I were both good and actually take advantage of the extra memory in the newer systems, though despite terrible ports of SoM to PS3/360, if it was actually designed for them, they would have still been good games unlike the pawned off on another studio as a cash grab that they turned into. Can't entirely blame the studio, I mean, people still buy the broken messes, so why spend money on QA when you can have actual gamers do it.
This article is just terrible. Want to game on the couch? Get the PS4. Serious about gaming? Get a PC. Fan of Nintendo franchises and happy to play the same game that you've played for the last two decades? Get the latest Nintendo console. Sorry, but no serious gamer would ever in their right mind get a Wii U. The fact you have an XB1, known to be simply the inferior console to the PS4 for numerous technological reasons, it shows that you are a sucker for brands rather than rationally looking at the market when you buy a gaming platform. Please keep your fanboy opinions to yourself and off a site, it just lowers the standard here.

It is one of the worst selling consoles in history....yet is somehow the best console to buy?
Yea...I think at this point it is safe to called it biased, absurd, garbage etc.

Utterly broken games are new and exclusive to all but the WiiU simply because the WIiU has a limited library. This means that it does not get broken games, but it also loses out on the majority of games which are not broken.

You could have a console that makes farting noises every time you die. That would be innovative with your definition. Is it useful or needed? Nope, which makes it the same as a second tiny screen. Many people buy consoles to play on big tvs or to be social. A second small screen removes all of that.

Don't talk about hardware if you don't have a clue yourself and then accuse others of not knowing this subject. The hardware in the WiiU is very dated in performance (~360 gigaflops!) - that is a fact. People like yourself argue like technical specs are debatable when they are not. The WiiU has so little power it is debatable whether or not it is 8th gen.
Rehashing games? You are joking right, because Nintendo gave birth to that idea and has pretty much founded an entire line of consoles on just tweaking some graphics.

There a very few games on the WiiU now that 3rd party support is almost dead. The games it has are 90% rehashed for over 20 years, and the power of the console is that of the previous generation.
But yet you still recommended it along with this article which of course begs the real question; what would it take for you to not recommend a Nintendo console?
To be fair, the Wii U hardware is probably really similar with the XOne!

No. It has more in common with the Xbox 360, actually. They both employ tri-core PowerPC based chips with SMT, for example. The ones in the Wii U are a little more modern (out of order design) but the in-order ones in the 360 are clocked almost three times faster.

The Wii U also uses older-gen AMD graphics (R700-based). As a result the Wii U graphics is a Terascale design which has more in common with the 360's Xenos graphics (which used unified shaders and essentially was the prototype for the R600/R700 Terascale architecture).

The Wii U does have a lot more memory, however. That alone allows them to show some decent improvements in texture quality over the last gen systems. But in terms of both design and raw power it's got a lot in common with the Xbox 360.

Do I think the graphics make it a bad system? No. But why would I pay that much for last-gen performance? The price needs to come down before I'll consider one. I still hate the controllers.
I agree 110% and probably say these exact comments to my friends and wife. How this system would have been the culmination of everything I wanted in a console during my childhood. The gamepad is an enigma that starts out slightly awkward but soon you have it sitting in your lap or aiming around the room with it and you soon realize this is what Nintendo is selling. In a world where the XBOX and PS have the same everything there is no reason for me, as a PC gamer, would ever consider wasting the money. However buying the Wii U has been the best purchase I have made in a long time. Last Christmas I picked up a brand new 32 GB version with the Mario Bros game for under $150. People just wanted the XBOX and PS to come out and get those. Since then Nintendo has dropped into our laps Mario Kart 8 with DLC that actually is good value (8 new tracks for under $20), as well as Mario 3D world which is a great game. The HD version of Zelda and lets not forget the best version of Smash Bros to date, which allows the end user to fight using the gamepad, the regular Wiimote, the Wiimote with nunchuk, the Classic controller or Classic Pro or with an adapter used or new GameCube controllers. Nintendo has really hit a home run for me and my family. I love the Ninendo characters and XBOX and PS have nothign close to that commonality and transfered nostalgia that Nintendo has with the Wii U. And 100% correct it makes NetFlix and Hulu+ and Amazon Prime Video so much better with the touchscreen to search or even read descriptions without having to enter then exit another page. At $300 its a great buy. Pick up all the cheap regular Wii games too there a ton of great games for that system that you can drop in too as well as downloadable older titles. Its a really solid system and if Nintendo decides to make a new console in the coming years I think it should just be a faster Wii U with higher Def Gamepad screen because everything else is on point. I have my SLI GTX 780's and an i7 to play Shadow of Mordor on so I highly recommend this product for those of you who are PC gamers. I haven't had a thought of a single regret re: this system. Captain Toad is tons of fun too. my 5 and 8yr olds love the system as well. I can watch TV and my son can switch the game over to the gamepad and pick up playing like nothing. Its just...amazing. Great job Nintendo.
I have a PC and a Wii U, and I think those are the two best platforms to have. You get your AA games on your PC where the framerates are smoother and the graphics are better, and on the Wii U you play the fun games like SSB4 and Mario Kart 8.

But here is the issue (and clearly many others agree)- how is SSB4 and MK8 fun as they are pretty much the same game from 20 years ago?
@TJB88 : Just wrote that's garbage, you are more biased than this article.
You can show any number and make him tell what you want. So if you compare RAW number in term of power, yeah, but it's like always the AMD/Intel war.
It's not because it's similar that will give similar result. Same Ghz last generation, Intel will always give better result (gigaflops) BUT... you can still run the game! And correctly tweaked you see no difference at all. So the question is more - Did you take the time to release a quality game running with the hardware you have? More gigaflops is *could be better* but it's not everything. And it's not because you buy an AMD that you're out of the course *considerate old gen* and have crappy gaming experience and visually BAD. This is somehow what you claim adding to that the pad is a toy, they're is no ips and no games. Lower gigaflops give awesome result if optimized and tweaked properly. Visually you don't see any difference!

One other test that I think more interresting is compare which console properly completely support 1080p. Xbox360 do not run 1080p. XOne have trouble running 1080p, they do memory management tweak that reduce their (maximum) "gigaflops" a lot and they kill the Kinect to achieve it. Wii U run completely 1080p with an extra screen. PS4 is a monster and it's what people like about this console. So Wii U is not really that far of what you consider next gen. So don't be fool about it. Boosted old chipset but still pretty close to everything that you consider next gen. You can said it's not the same but can't say that everything depend on that.

Just what this review of Mario Kart 8 http://youtu.be/2DlTa0SwEto .You'll understand.

"Many people buy consoles to play on big tvs or to be social." You need to be open mind here. It's sure that the gamepad doesn't suit every games. But that open new gameplay. It's a strategic gamepad and you're are not force to use it in most game. You still can use a Wii U Pro for start the console, move in the menu and play. The Wii U Pro just don't come with the console...

Where you see limited library I see the richest one. More exclusive, different gameplay, not always the same game available on 3 others platform. Like the same argument as everybody here, "if I can have it on PC, why I would buy it's on PS4 or XOne?".

"The games it has are 90% rehashed for over 20 years". It's the same for every 3d shooter, Battlefield, event GTA and you precious simulation racing... They do the same on PS4, giving you the possibility to buy PS3 games in their store. Will happen to XOne, if it's not already the case.

Just watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIfmxNhtHQM . I did agree with that guy. It's for E3 but it's still actual. Just start at 15:50.

"What would it take for you to not recommend a Nintendo console?". I would not recommended the console Wii U the 2 first year when the console was released. Too few quality games... good games coming from out of the blue but people waiting for franchise games like Mario Kart, SSB, Legend of Zelda, ect.. Now the console have them and many other are in the way like Zelda Open world and Mario Party in 2015. So there is no reason to not recommend it right now.

I don't say that I'll always prefer the Wii U but right now XOne and PS4 have no interresting exclusive games or exclusivity it's something temporal that they buy from 3rd party. 3rd party moslty always release on XOne/PS4 and PC... and PC get them for cheap (price cut after 1-3 months). I buy lastest Tomb Raider pre-released. Play few hours but not enough. 1-2 months after, it's was already 50% off without additional rebate! I hate myself a little bit for buy it pre-release. Business model they chose with 3rd party is their weakness.
So what's the point for now?

No, you are just wrong about hardware. People like yourself need to realise that hardware performance is science - it is a fact. Spouting nonsense means nothing and that is what you are doing. The power difference is so large, no optimisation will even get close to achieving 8th gen performance. When you have a degree in this field, I will happily debate it with you.

I never mentioned AMD or Intel, so why are you claiming I did?

Again, go read up on game engines etc and how they work. Of course the WiiU can output some of its games at 1080p 60fps when they are so basic. If the xbone/ps4 had those games, it would be churning them out at 120fps+. I would love to see the WiiU try to attempt PBR or any modern technique as it would slow to a crawl and you would be begging to have 900p 30fps on the other consoles.

Open minded? No , now you are grasping at straws and avoiding my point. The gamepad defeats the point of a console, hence why it is flopping so hard.
Buy a Wii U Pro? SO then how the heck is it different from any 7th gen console (bar being more expensive)?

Richest it subjective. Limited is not. It has few games, and fewer IPs.
Or, I have a PC for top end gaming, and a console to be social. Most people go with this option, hence the sales difference.

So all you want are the games - nothing to do with the actual console. There we have it. Proof that the console could be (and is this case is) massively underpowered providing old gameplay and you would still buy it.

How the hell do the Xbone and PS4 not have any interesting exclusives but the WiiU does? What new IPs are out on the WiiU after how many years? Now how many new IPs are out on the other two platforms? That's right - a lot more than the WiiU. Also if we call exclusive "any game that is not on the WiiU", then the list builds even quicker.
Funny how the link right below this article was Most Anticipated Games of 2015 and the WiiU had 1 title on the list. I had the WiiU for about 6 months and ended up selling it because there just weren't any new games coming out that I cared to play. It's been out more than 2 years now and STILL no Metroid or Zelda (HD "upgrades" don't count)?
without nintendo neither sony or microsoft would have ever got a foothold in the business.. aside from bringing in a fresh batch of young people into gaming generation after generation, nintendo has always had top of the line hardware and software.. i own every nintendo console and most of sony and microsofts consoles as well.. every nintendo still works all the way back to nes and snes, used and abused with an unfathable amount of game time! i cant say the same for the compitition.. burned out drive on a 360, Ps3 with the light of doom, a stack of busted ps2s(4 all together lol), og ps1 plays.. upsidedown only(most of its life spent in its original box), my og xbox still works but it had its problems... unfortunatly sega is gone... they still all work too! if gameplay and quality is the gimmick nintendo is selling, im buying! if its all about harware specs and throw away consumerism.. throw your money elswhere.. id suggest a quality built pc that will blow away the specs on any console!! maybe im just a stupid fanboy! lol i have good reasons! oh and no one ever talks about power consumption... after doing a bit of research i was blown away by how efficient the wii u is. ok enough.. i know, its just my opinion!
I have owned a Wii U since it dropped. (In my home also resides: a PS3, XBox 360, Wii, and a more powerful PS4) However, it is my Wii U that I will turn on 9 out of 10 times. Not just for the entertainment convenience of Netflix or Amazon Prime, but for gaming. Mario 3D world is spectacular, Smash Bros just speaks for itself, Mario Kart is head and shoulders above any racing game you will pick up and if the next Zelda is anything like LoZ: Wind Waker, then there are no more questions to ask! Bayonetta 2 is the best game I have played in 6 months and recall that a Star Fox is on the horizon as well

I've nothing against preferences as each to their own etc. I happily accept we all want different flavours. But what I don't accept is terrible arguments which are biased as heck, e.g. yours. I'll elaborate.
First off, the PS3 had netflix first, and was for a long time, the platform that most people used in their lounge to play Netflix through, ergo to say you use your WiiU for it means either you are late to the party and ignore Sonys innovation, or just biased.
As for games - many people don't want those type of games as they are very specific genres and the platform is limited. Lets say people want a racing sim or semi real arcade racer - WiiU offers none. It only has very wacky racing. That is fine for some people, but only a few. Serious RPG like Dark Souls II? Nope. FPS? None, etc. The list goes on.

So next time, just remember to accept that we all want different things and that market results show how many people want different games. Sadly for Nintendo, only very few people nowadays want to play Nintendo styled (Japanese) games.

BJ - By the looks of your comments on the board, you have a strong distaste for the Wii U. I was just merely stating how things were in my home. I stated the PS4 is the superior console. We understand you don't like it, some people do. I play video games to be entertained and the Wii U does a fantastic job at entertaining me. I know the PS3 has Netflix, I was touching of the fact that with the Wii U, you dont even have to turn the system on and can have immediate access to all of you Quick Launch items on your game pad (Like Netflix, the Internet, tv, etc) I have owned all the PlayStations and agree that they have always been amazing consoles, not denying. But do me a favor, go play golf (Wii U Sports Resort) and tell me its not one of the coolest things you have ever seen a console do,.
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