Why You Might Want a $200 PS3

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Why does nobody ever mention that the PS3 plays 3D BluRays, making it one of the least expensive 3D BluRay players on the market and an EXCEPTIONAL value for anybody with a 3D tv?
"Suppose, however, that you could get an Amazon console for $150 or a PS3 for $200. A PS3 streams video at higher resolution, has access to much better games and can play Blu-rays on top of all that." - pretty sure the article mentioned it played blu-rays
I dunno man, I think ill rather pay more and pick up the PS4 because it supports 4K content as well and no need to have my HTPC there any longer.
Well I got the first PS3 Slim that came out and after adding a 250gig SSD it did cost me a bit more than I wanted but all in all it has been worth it. With the free games you can get as part of Playstation Plus and the ability to play HD movies from my PC with PS3 Media Player it has been a great addition. I have not had to buy very many games to get the ones I wanted with Playstation Plus.
And yet Nintendo and some in the industry are confused as to why the Wii-U is failing.

$350 for a console that is on par with the PS3, but without the software and NO WAY to play DVD or Blu-Ray movies?! Especially when the PS3 is going for $200~250. And yes, I've seen the PS3 going for $230 at SONY stores. But I'm waiting for the PS4 which will eventually play PS3 games.

Like the PS2, we should expect the PS3 to remain on the market for a few years... but not as long as the PS2 hung around because it was possible to make the PS2 much cheaper. But then again, in another year or so - an even smaller PS3 should be possible that can fit inside a PS2 case.
I still have the original PS3 (fat) with 60 gig hard drive and media slots. Bought it at launch for $600 and been running fine ever since. I suspect PS4 will do just as well but given the large PS3 customer base who are happy with the games it'll be awhile before PS4 become mainstream. PS2 been around forever and still being used.
First gen PS3 had more storage and could do way more, like play all PS2/PSX titles and had linux support. Not anymore! Sad sad sad.

For the same $200 you could get a first gen PS3 on eBay and actually get your money's worth in hardware. The magic model number you're looking for is "CECHA01", the original and best version of the PS3.
Why does nobody ever mention that the PS3 plays 3D BluRays, making it one of the least expensive 3D BluRay players on the market and an EXCEPTIONAL value for anybody with a 3D tv?

Probably because the 3D TV market is dying and noone cares.
Parsian , August 15, 2013 8:55 AM
I dunno man, I think ill rather pay more and pick up the PS4 because it supports 4K content as well and no need to have my HTPC there any longer.


I can think of lots of reasons for this.

First, the PS3 is still arguably the best Blu-ray player on the market. Second, this can be a whole media server in your home. Third, with Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon, you've got all the main streaming services supported right out of the box.

12GB is enough for disc games and downloading a few casual games. Want more space? Throw in any 2.5" SATA drive.

A top-line Blu-ray player, video streamer, media center, and gaming console all for $200? Heckuva deal, IMNSHO.
" Probably because the 3D TV market is dying and noone cares." I've never seen a convincing 3D movie yet maybe if I could watch people have real life seizure's in 3D I might be more convinced by it and be like OMG that was so real and life like!! Until then though 3D is just a stupid gimmick as far as I'm concerned.

Besides that "True 3D TV" would need to replicate 360's of viewing angle that could change based around the individual viewers viewing perspective.

The closest thing to that is perhaps that vocaloid and 2pac hologram stuff, but hardly consumer feasible.
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