Question Streaming from upstairs pc to downstairs tv

May 19, 2024

Im completely new to this streaming game and would love to stream or atleast get some movies ive downloaded.... to play on my tv downstairs. Im not the brightest spark when it comes to things such as this so was hoping that someone may help me out with some of there ideas and thoughts. Ive read online about the nvidia shield but at £190 im thinking that mayb a lil 2 expensive for what I want. I know my tv might have a problem installing apps on it, so help in avoiding that might also be a good thing.

Thankyou so much one and all
Is there noone with any ideas or help they do not mind sharing. I made a account in the hope someone would be kind enough but 72 views and nothing.... humanity today?? Thankyou
Ok im unsure of the model number at this minute but I know its a Hisense tv, its not the best. Upon further research last night it seems it only supports 2.8ghz net (is it?) rather than the 5ghz because after turning the lower speed off last night on the hub 5 from virgin, I could only see the tv box which runs at 5ghz.

I tryed using Plex using a gd friends advice but I was unable to connect securely. Could this be down to the speed of the tv? On my pc my Plex account says its secure so im unsure why that could be. Any ideas from what ive told you how to fix this mayb? Am I able to connect securely?

Thankyou for taking the time to reply and read my posts, your a credit
A 2.4Ghz connection to your home network will not prevent streaming. Both 2.4 and 5Ghz devices can communicate via your router.

Details about the TV matter, in order to understand what features it supports.

Regarding being unable to connect securely with Plex, what device are you referring to? The TV?