WikiLeaks Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

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Dec 16, 2008
Say what? Mubarack of Egypt is more qualified.

So Wikileaks releases stolen material, some of which is classified, and this warrants the big "N" and a million bucks?


Apr 30, 2010
why does he deserve to be in prison exactly cirdecus... do tell ?

if you say "treason" like 90% of fox news morons i'll laugh uncontrolably as treason can only be commited if you are a citizen of said country, it appear all he is doign is publishing documents which if you are a proponent of open government and given sunshine laws in the us most of this SHOULD be open docs to begin with

if you call exposing war crimes, torture, and corruption is wrong... well i'd say wouldn't it be great if there wasn't anythign to expose, if there were no corruption due to fear of everythign being publically available, about people not being stripped of human rights simply on suspition and requring a degree of proof and a conviction before harsh interigation? or maybe a war where you look before you shoot and don't literally rape a populice? or am i describing a world you don't want to live in?


zachary k

May 14, 2009
there are many others that deserve this more than that Dbag. twitter for helping to organize the revolution in Egypt, the dude who came up with the idea at google to help KEEP the tweets and information flowing out of Egypt despite 100% of the internet being down. and that was just in the last 2 weeks.
this guy is an Australian living in Europe who has no right to be "protecting" my democracy. he just wants to see the American government suffer.


Jan 10, 2006
Don't mind the willful ignorance of many g00fysmiley.

They don't like having facts shown to the world (the fact that the American Empire, as it currently exists and operates, is a threat to world peace and community cohesion).

Simply smile and sigh. Then use your index fingers and gently tickle the underside of their chin while saying "Coochy coochy coo". :)


Feb 14, 2008
First of all, i'm not on the fox news bandwagon. Secondly, the documents were stolen, which is a crime. Believe it or not, in order for a government to function, especially in terms of national security and wartime, it cannot be 100% transparent to the entire world. This would be like asking poker players to play a game of high stakes poker with an open hand. It doesn't work, period. These communication documents contained the same kind of sensitive information that should not fall into the hands of extremists. Granted, there were many other documents that showed crimes and torture that should have come to light, but not at the expensive of released every document.

If you think 100% transparency would work, then you obviously have no idea what national security means. If you have such a bleeding heart for those being mistreated by government, then you're probably liberally blinded to the realities of modern governance.


Feb 14, 2008
Your proposed transparency would bring about utter chaos and you're extremely naive to think otherwise. My guess is, is that you're a young kid who doesn't yet understand how the world works.


Mar 10, 2010
1.This is a sign that US government can dictate its will over the world less and less.

2. Many US people unfortunately believe that the entire world has to kneel before the US. Gosh, what an ego.

3. Many blame Julian that he does not care about US soldiers. Does the US gov do? US gov started two wars sending the soldiers there for national interests not freedom, not Julian. If US gov cared about freedoms rather than national interests, why haven't they free Cuba? But no, they send soldiers thousands miles away in the countries rich with oil.


Apr 12, 2006
Maybe if there were 100% transparency the world would have to operate differently? Hell no!!! The world cannot do that!!! Let the world just continue down its dysfunctional path; let's not bother to figure out something new.

Flame me if you like, but people / sites like WikiLeaks should inspire improvement; however, with "world must operate this way" thinking, that will never happen. :(


Apr 7, 2006
Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini were all nominated for the award. Kissinger and Lê Ðức Thọ were awarded it for the Paris Accords which negotiated an end to the Vietnam war. Shortly after, the North Vietnamese violated the treaty and invaded the South.

I wouldn't put much stock in the award or the selection process.


Feb 19, 2010
Since when does being an anarchist and revolutionary automatically equals being a purveyor of justice or a champion of peace? WikiLeaks might have been more honest about the truth years ago (or they only did when they were small), but now it's just another site that wants to be against "The Man" irregardless of the circumstances that surrounds it, or source.

Assange does not deserve the nobel because he doesn't help the peace situation. No solutions comes from the news he provides. I would say the sites actually profits from the misuse of information like a tabloid, full of half truths based on select facts. WikiLeaks contributes just as much, if not more, to chaos and dissent than as much as it does to peace.


Apr 1, 2010
You know what else was a good idea? Communism. On paper or in theory, it was a good idea, everyone being equal in society does seem good. However it failed in practice for the same reason governments being 100% open would fail. Human nature. sure if every government in the world gave up all their secrets and operated as if everyone could see every movement, things would be ok. However that would not be the case, greed would cause some governments to use that trust of honesty for their own benefit. Governments need to have some secrecy to operate and he should be thrown in jail for robbing them of that. Sure war crimes should be exposed if necessary. And sure the government sent those soldiers over there, but us soldiers joined knowing we would go over there, but we did not join knowing some lunatic would put out our secret information (like where and when our chopper flights will take off and land) to the world.


Apr 2, 2010
[citation][nom]g00fysmiley[/nom]why does he deserve to be in prison exactly cirdecus... do tell ?if you say "treason" like 90% of fox news morons i'll laugh uncontrolably as treason can only be commited if you are a citizen of said country, it appear all he is doign is publishing documents which if you are a proponent of open government and given sunshine laws in the us most of this SHOULD be open docs to begin with if you call exposing war crimes, torture, and corruption is wrong... well i'd say wouldn't it be great if there wasn't anythign to expose, if there were no corruption due to fear of everythign being publically available, about people not being stripped of human rights simply on suspition and requring a degree of proof and a conviction before harsh interigation? or maybe a war where you look before you shoot and don't literally rape a populice? or am i describing a world you don't want to live in?[/citation]
i'm sorry you can not tell the difference between a RPG and enemies of coalition forces engaging with US american AH-64 and iraqi-american news reporters standing around in the middle of the enemy herd watching.
i'm more sorry that you were never taught the laws of the united states and failed your history class in regards to knowing the constitution of the united states which happened to be written in the middle of a revolutionary war by the people fighting it.
go read article 8 of the US constitution. not just the parts you want to believe, but the whole thing.
you will only get an A+ if you can cite which of the 4 of 11 sections do not apply to every one connected to these leaked documents
you will get extra credit if you can tell me which section in which encryption act also applies to every one who even reads these documents.

it's covered ALL OF IT. people alot smarter then you or me and all of tom's hardware put together thought of and figured out how to deal EXACTLY with this particular problem long before it even happened. even your liberal dog boy 'slippery willy' clinton had a hand in crafting the laws that cover this '96 & '97.


Dec 17, 2008
So, the Norweigen's feel the need to financially support what amounts to a terrorist group...and here I thought the Nobel "Peace" Price had something to do with peace...


Aug 3, 2009
if south Sudan secedes from the north and Darfur got peace, then the people responsible for all these should get the Nobel Peace prize. forget Wikileaks.


Dec 28, 2010
There are some good arguments on both sides. I do not think that any organization should be required to be completely open. I also do not think there is a line where we can say we can now censure any publisher. The gray area is if the information is obtained illegally. Also without reporting how do we keep large groups in check, because as we know people will abuse power, and take part in illegal acts. Its not as easy a question as I think so are making it out to be.

As for the prize itself, I think the Nobel literature prize would make sense but not the peace prize. The peace prize is supposed to be given to whoever "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses". Not the guy who rubs everyone the wrong way.
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