Will 2 1060's run a Vive?


Jan 8, 2018
I have a pc with:
Intel I5 7400
1060 6GB
8gb ram
Thats all the important stuff.
Just wanted to know that if I add another 1060 6gb I could run VR (1 card for each eye)
PSU, Mobo and stuff isnt a problem I will be replacing those anyway.

Your 1060 with the 7400 will work for VR. The 8GB will also be good enough. If you add a second GPU you can't set it for controlling only 1 eye. If anything I'd sell the 1060 and purchase a 1070. Just to be clear, the SLI'd cards will work for VR but just not in the way you were expecting. HEre's a little more about using 2 cards https://www.vrheads.com/can-i-use-both-graphics-cards-vr

ah alright thanks man, you sure a 1070 will run vr good? The last thing you want is getting sick while playing videogames. seen a 1080 around for only like a 100 bucks more. Will be waiting on the release of the vive pro tho, since that was just announced. so ill see what ill do then.

The picture will be clearer due to the pixel count, the chassis looks like it's getting a makeover too. The headphones FINALLY will be integrated for those who complained about that. Personally I want to use my own headphones. This obviously happens after I purchase the 1080 Ti and a Vive 2 days ago. ALWAYS!!!! something is unveiled soon after an upgrade.

100% certain the 1070 will be fine. The 1060 will also be okay. Nvidia has given the green light for the 1050Ti https://www.roadtovr.com/nvidia-geforce-gtx-1050-ti-oculus-minimum-specification-virtual-reality/. There is tech in place that allows for weaker hardware with the Oculus. That's called Asynchronous Spacewarp. HTC respondided with warp tech. of their own. The 1060 6GB past that card already so it becomes obvious the 1070 will be more than good enough. Look into SUPERSAMPLING within Steam. You should be able to set that to at about 1.8 with the 1070.

Oculus has a game called VRQ test. This isn't like the test people run to find out if their rig can handle VR. This is a sickometer of sorts. You will be faced with scenarios that will test your susceptibility to VR motion sickness while using the headset. But you're getting the Vive. This I remember. Look into Revive for the Oculus.

I've been looking into upgrading my card and buying a Vive for a little less than a year now. I also needed to save money. Because of that I do know a little bit about what makes VR tick.