Will the new generation of nvidia graphics cards affect laptop prices?


Feb 5, 2012
My friend is looking to buy this laptop with a few customizations

[/list]ut he wants to order it tomorrow and im not sure if he should wait since the 1000 series of nvidia graphics cards have just been announced, if he waits a week or two will that affect the prices in any significant way?
not right now. They new cards are desktop only, the M models will come later + the time delay for the OEMs to actually want to use them. So earliest is probably going to xmas time.
not right now. They new cards are desktop only, the M models will come later + the time delay for the OEMs to actually want to use them. So earliest is probably going to xmas time.

Ok thanks, i knew there would be a delay in coming to laptops but since ive never even considered buying one for myself i had no idea.