Windows 10 & Kaspersky

Which version of Windows did you upgrade from? Kaspersky doesn't have an actual desktop icon, but they have an app or gadget depending on your version of Windows. They also have an icon in the system tray. Where did it disappear from?
I had the same problem when I upgraded. Geek Squad advised to uninstall the current version of Kaspersky (keep your certificate registration) and then re-install. I did this and it worked -- Kaspersky desktop icon is there and "Safe Money" feature is available (I did have to reload all my websites that I wanted secured).

Did you re install Kapsersky 2015?? I tried downloading Kaspersky 2015 and run it but without uninstalling the previous version... The windows msg said it cannot run the app.
Hi.. my computer upgraded to Window 10 and Kaspersky Internet Security was disappeared...
I read this forum... and follow the instruction.. and succeeded. Thank you.

How to do:
Un-installed Kaspersky Internet Security 2015
Downloaded and Installed the latest version of Kaspersky Internet Security 2016.
When installation finished, Kaspersky Internet Security appear and active automatically.
When I upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, the Kaspersky program required an upgrade. After that upgrade, the Kaspersky icon didn't appear in the tray either. However, I found it in the "show hidden icons" popup window. So I simply dragged it from that popup window into the tray and that fixed the issue. I didn't have to reinstall Kaspersky to do this. So look in the "hidden icons" popup window (bottom right of tray) and if the icon is there, just drag it into the tray. Hope this helps.
I bought Kaspersky Total Security in a pack with a new computer with windows 10. And it didn´t work until I found out that I didn´t work with Microsoft Egde Internet explorer. Downloaded Chrome and installed it again, now it works fine now..
I had to contact Kaspersky to request a removal tool to remove the old programme first as the Windows upgrade hadn't completely removed all components. Unfortunately, Kaspersky was no longer in the programmes list so I couldn't easily uninstall it myself. This was stopping me from installing Kaspersky 2015 and I was getting a similar error message to you. Once I used the removal too, I installed Kaspersky 2015. You can retrieve your license / certificate numbers etc from your Kaspersky store login if you don't know what they are. The icon shortcut reappeared on the desktop (yes there is one) and it also reappeared in the tray for me


Upgraded from Windows 7