I got a new 2 TB hard drive and I used the wizard in drive management to format and partition it. Minutes later, Windows Explorer completely froze and refused to terminate / restart. I tried to restart the computer but it says that Management Console is preventing the computer from restarting. But when I press cancel nothing happens. The system is completely non-responsive, except I can still press Force Restart and it gives me a confirmation which I have not yet accepted. So it's stuck on that "programs need to close" screen, and my only options are to 1. Wait for a miracle, 2. Force Restart, or 3. Hard reboot on the tower.
Can I safely reboot without killing my new drive? Or should I just wait a few hours and see if it voluntarily restarts after completing the format / partition operation it's presumably still doing?
I really don't know what's going on or what to do. Please help. Thank you.
Can I safely reboot without killing my new drive? Or should I just wait a few hours and see if it voluntarily restarts after completing the format / partition operation it's presumably still doing?
I really don't know what's going on or what to do. Please help. Thank you.