"He cited the company as wanting a clean break from the past, to move from "good" to "great.""
no, you want to move from "good" to "locked and controlled".
its bad enough that you would do this, but doing so just to copy Apple? I have lost all respect for you microsoft, needing to use c# will make it really hard to make cross platform apps. but of course that's what you want, isn't it. people to be lured in by your simple dev platforms and then be put off of porting to other platforms because they have to change languages, effectively buying you "exclusives"... this will make it really hard to have multi platform engines. even the Iphone has c++! I never thought I'd look on the iPhone dev chain favourably! by using Microsoft languages, its even more controlled than the iPhone is. not to mention that c# is highly managed, adding a lot of bloat to these still fairly underpowered devices!
This when we say "we hate the way the iPhone works" and fanboy's respond "so don't buy it" we get pissed. its the precedent that is set. now everyone is doing it, so what do we buy now you idiots?