Xbox Hackers Steal $1,200,000 in Microsoft Points

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Feb 5, 2010
[citation][nom]pocketdrummer[/nom]Damn straight! It says "may contain 10% ethanol", but what it really means is "contains 10% ethanol". It's the legal limit for fuel additives and you can bet they'll take that as far as they can.Back to the Xbox, I'm sure it was those same "yes-men" that thought DLC would be a good idea. Now we have options like "pre-order and get the DLC free!" That's like saying, "Pre-order and you won't have to pay twice for the full game!"Sir, you and I are a dying breed. The tards are on parade...[/citation]

Yeah, on top of that the games are so watered down and void mediocre bullshit. That anyone with two thumbs can beat. I'm tired of all these games literally, telling you where to go, and what to do all the time.

What happened to the days of oldschool resident evils, where YOU had to use YOUR brain, to play the game. Not to be told what to do and how to do it.

and yeah, this DLC thing is a total fucking joke, but it's funny how many people I know that waste their money on these obsolete games, then buy the dlc because they think it will add to the game, when in reality you hit the nail on the head. The DLC was ALREADY meant to be in the game, they just figured hell, people are retards... Let's make them pay TWICE! or in some cases...... make them pay $60 for a game, then $40 for all the DLC = Laugh factory.

Some people just don't respect the value of money, and throw it away on these shitty consoles, and games and think it's a deal.


Apr 19, 2010
10% ethanol, and an extra 5 points of octane than were it pure gasoline. E85 is estimated to be between 95 and 105 octane, based purely on the quality of the fuel that's mixed on with it. Problem is you don't have an engine that takes advantage of the extra points so of course your going to see a deminished fueleconomy when you use a fuel with less energy, but has a much better resistance to preignition.

If you dont like how the system is mod it! And if they brick your system reformat and mod some more! But then again id never own a microsoft easy bake oven.

wawa sxm

Mar 22, 2010
[citation][nom]pocketdrummer[/nom]Serves them right for charging for a service you can get for free elsewhere.Think about it. You pay to use Xbox Live so that you can host a game on your OWN system, and have the option to buy more shit. You're paying to pay more... how am I the only one that realizes this?[/citation]

what other console had online service like xbox? its easy to compare to pcs' but if no one was doing it why blame them for making you pay a negligible amount?

DLC is a rip off and bad practice....i dt know if its a policy of microsoft but atleast halo dlc becomes free after awhile (ms should force everyone to make the dlc free after a certain time)


Jul 16, 2009
[citation][nom]thsoundman[/nom]I thought Xbox was impervious to hackers and cheaters.... *chuckle*[/citation]

Wow i just got dumber by reading that. if you thought it was impervious then obviously sony PS3 and the Wii are also fortresses that can NEVER BE HACKED. same for the PLAYSTATION and especialy the origional xbox... GOD WAS IT HARD TO CRACK the XBOX ! especialy in asia where there where people... and after you pay you have to... and after that game you needed... for compatibility with... and a bug that you used but once done you... after that you ... and then it was ready to play!


Nov 13, 2008
I know a bunch of PC fanboys are gonna hit that red thumb, but oh well.

Paying for Xbox Live really isn't that bad. On most PC games you just select a server at random, hope it's good, and hope the admin isn't a jerk or a fan of a set of rules that you aren't (MLG, etc). Oh, and pray the players aren't on completely different skill levels. It usually takes several hops to find a room you like. Then, if you get bored of playing the same group of people, its off to repeat the process. On a console, you just select the gametype and wahlah. You're in a room, matched up with people at least somewhat close to your skill level, using familiar game rules, and good to go. Want new opponents or new teammates to talk to? It only takes 15 seconds to find a new room. For this reason alone I've had much more fun playing multiplayer on Xbox instead of PC.

There's also the matter of continuity. I can meet someone on Halo, add them as a friend, and then see them playing Assassin's Creed. The Live service is a lot more conducive to long-term friendships.

As far as price goes... If you only played a single hour a week, that's about a dollar per hour. Last time I went to see a 2 hour movie, it cost me $8. $4/hour. And that's just the ticket. Popcorn and a drink? Hahaha. No contest. And I'm sure most people probably play a lot more than one hour a week. XBL is priced very fairly. I'd rather pay and have the ability to get in and out of games super-quickly than have to server-hop. I spend more time playing and less time navigating menus.

I haven't met a single person who's played both PSN and XBL and been able to claim PSN quality comes close to XBL. Connection issues, slow to find games, and just plain neglect by developers.


Apr 2, 2010
[citation][nom]BulkZerker[/nom]10% ethanol, and an extra 5 points of octane than were it pure gasoline. E85 is estimated to be between 95 and 105 octane, based purely on the quality of the fuel that's mixed on with it. Problem is you don't have an engine that takes advantage of the extra points so of course your going to see a deminished fueleconomy when you use a fuel with less energy, but has a much better resistance to preignition. If you dont like how the system is mod it! And if they brick your system reformat and mod some more! But then again id never own a microsoft easy bake oven.[/citation]

Higher octane than what your engine was designed for is NOT beneficial to your vehicle. Only costs more. High performance engines may demand super but putting it in your generic sedan is a waste of money. Higher octane fuel burns slower and has a higher ignition point (hence no pinging for old engines).

But ethanol is crap for a real fuel. E85 is the dumbest thing they thought of since screen-doors for submarines... Let's turn a food product into fuel... Screw starving nations, etc... But regular gas is now 10% ethanol anyhow... Back when I had my bike, I could ride it like I stole it on real gas and get 55+MPG. With the new crap, riding like grandma got me maybe 44... Bikes are a bit more sensitive to these changes, especially the carbureted ones but all vehicles saw a similar drop recently. My Jeep used to get 18 on the highway. Now 13 is pushing it. And these new super MPG cars that get 40MPG, put real fuel in them and you'll see close to, if not over, the 50's... The octane rating can kiss my backside accept for high-demand engines. People who put that in their mini-vans are complete idiots (unless it's turbo/super/nitro/etc).

And as for DLC... Ohh don't get me started... Look, we can charge 50X more for the same product by breaking it up into 'content packs' and 'map packs'. The only thing worse is one of my favorite games (TF2) now is doing 'weapon packs'... so want the new toys, give us another $10... Really?!? (insert best derogatory hand gesture here) to them is all I have to say... And microshaft started it all...


Apr 2, 2010
[citation][nom]supertrek32[/nom]I know a bunch of PC fanboys are gonna hit that red thumb, but oh well.Paying for Xbox Live really isn't that bad. On most PC games you just select a server at random, hope it's good, and hope the admin isn't a jerk or a fan of a set of rules that you aren't (MLG, etc). Oh, and pray the players aren't on completely different skill levels. It usually takes several hops to find a room you like. Then, if you get bored of playing the same group of people, its off to repeat the process. On a console, you just select the gametype and wahlah. You're in a room, matched up with people at least somewhat close to your skill level, using familiar game rules, and good to go. Want new opponents or new teammates to talk to? It only takes 15 seconds to find a new room. For this reason alone I've had much more fun playing multiplayer on Xbox instead of PC.There's also the matter of continuity. I can meet someone on Halo, add them as a friend, and then see them playing Assassin's Creed. The Live service is a lot more conducive to long-term friendships.As far as price goes... If you only played a single hour a week, that's about a dollar per hour. Last time I went to see a 2 hour movie, it cost me $8. $4/hour. And that's just the ticket. Popcorn and a drink? Hahaha. No contest. And I'm sure most people probably play a lot more than one hour a week. XBL is priced very fairly. I'd rather pay and have the ability to get in and out of games super-quickly than have to server-hop. I spend more time playing and less time navigating menus.inb4psnI haven't met a single person who's played both PSN and XBL and been able to claim PSN quality comes close to XBL. Connection issues, slow to find games, and just plain neglect by developers.[/citation]

So you've never used Steam then... It's free... you can search for servers on any type of criteria including PING (which xbox won't let you do) or map or game type or where your friends are. I've found nothing that XBL will do that Steam won't let you do including voice/video chat and joining a game a friend is in and seeing who's doing what. Plus you don't have to pay $40-60/year to use it... I'm sorry but that alone was the first, biggest reason I turned off my Xbox... Even just to use Netflix on it, you have to be subscribed to live...

But all of your points for XBL are invalid. I can find new, fully populated servers on PC games in seconds and limit them to acceptable pings instead of getting stuck on some kid's 500+ ping spike connection... As for friends, I had a dozen or so on XBL that weren't snotty kids. On Steam, I can't count that high. Well into the hundreds... And many of them are solid, good friends who play a multitude of games all the time. Ohh, and we don't have to pay for the service. So simply, the statement that the PC doesn't have what XBL does just isn't true...

It's the classic Microsoft syndrome, make them pay for everything and anything... Heck, they've even said themselves that they won't bring out a new console for a bit yet because they just don't have a need to. They don't care that games were limited in their capabilities and graphic output since it was released over half a decade ago... And that's not even pointing to the fact that their games have to be auto-aim enabled anyhow just to make it playable simply because microsoft refused to let more capable control systems into play.

And thinking there's no cheating in XBL is just ignorant. It's more complicated to do perhaps but there's plenty of it going on from modded consoles/controllers all the way to aimbots.

Now I'm not trying to say XBL isn't nice and all, simply that it should be FREE. Paying for it is just insane. It's bad enough you have to buy their 'microsoft points' just to get anything through the service after the fact... But the simple online service itself should be all inclusive and free. And yet they just raised the price again and took off the bonus month (12+1) that used to be available for bulk purchasers... Heck, I actually have two 12 month cards sitting here that I haven't even used yet. I just have no justifiable reason to waste it. I'll give it to the neighbor kids who don't have a PC or something. I honestly have not turned on my XBOX in over two years... Graphics just don't look nearly as good as they can on even a mediocre PC today and I'm just not paying their senseless prices anymore. It's bad enough they rape us for the price of their OS as it is...


Apr 11, 2008
Why do people complain so bad about xbl costing money? If you don't like it, don't use it, it's not that complicated.

And there are plenty of valid reasons to have DLC. They aren't things that were "in the game" anyway. Look at, adding songs to Rock Band, adding Alt outfits, etc, those are OPTIONS. You DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE THEM! If you don't want to spend money on them DON'T!


Feb 5, 2010
[citation][nom]rfatcheric[/nom]Why do people complain so bad about xbl costing money? If you don't like it, don't use it, it's not that complicated.And there are plenty of valid reasons to have DLC. They aren't things that were "in the game" anyway. Look at, adding songs to Rock Band, adding Alt outfits, etc, those are OPTIONS. You DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE THEM! If you don't want to spend money on them DON'T![/citation]

New songs on rockband sure. That makes sense. Since YOU have to pay the artist Fees for the music in order to even get those "tracks" on the game.

Paying for extra maps and contenent is the biggest laugh in the world (aka halo and Call of booty) (Yawn). Team Fortress 2 would cost $400 to own on 360 if that's the case with all the DLC, and maps they gave for 1000% free. Prime example how you get Plowed right in the back door by Microsoft. Same goes for all the Call of duties before the horrible console trend of them, had a magnitude of free maps. same with unreal, doom, crysis, and the list goes on and on. But I already gave my opinion. So im out like a fat guy in dodgeball.


Jul 20, 2008
[citation][nom]supertrek32[/nom]On a console, you just select the gametype and wahlah.[/citation]
This has nothing to do with you post, but I had to say something, the word is VOILA, it's french, it means "there it is". Seen that word misspelled so much, it just bugs me so much that people put a "w" in that word.


Jan 3, 2011
Good for them, I absolutely despise the Xbox and everything surrounding it. People swear by Xbox LIVE and when you tell them about Steam they laugh and make comments that don't actually mean anything or are false. For example a common one is that Xbox LIVE has more subscribers. HAHA wrong. It says according to Wikipedia that Xbox LIVE has 30 million+ subscribers and Steam has 30 million "active" (logged into in last 30 days) user accounts. Also people addicted to CoD have no life. All I ever hear about nowadays is Nazi Zombies, Nazi Zombies and it annoys the hell out of me. Don't even get me started on DLC for some games (Rock Band is totally acceptable though). Windows 7 was a step in the right direction and I commend Microsoft for their effor they put into the OS but at the same time I feel like telling them to go drown in a lake when I hear about the Xbox.


Jun 16, 2007
microsoft lost nothing, it is like using the unlimited credit cheat in red alart 2 and having someone send in a spy to steal a few thousand credits from you, you wont notice a few thousand or even a few million missing from infinity

anyway xbox live is one of the biggest ripoffs, basically like paying a monthly fee for stem
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