xcopy not copying over a number of files.


Apr 6, 2017
Attempting to move data from smaller MicroSD to Larger MicroSD capacity card on Android. I have searched and searched for something that could do this definitively to now avail.
Last attempt was an xcopy command run on Windows10 systems with SD Card connected via adapter using the following command suggested elsewhere:

cd (to location you want to save files to)

xcopy "*.*" F:\ /s /e /v /h
(F: in this example - source drive of SD to be copied from)

I noticed when watching the program list completed file copies in output it appeared to be skipping some files (Like all *.mp3s in all directories under music, Skipping nearly all of photos but a few in the photos directory, etc. These files copy fine using a standard explorer window without issues. The method alone however has issues with hidden files or other file types.
Chkdsk on SD seems to report no errors.

Anyone have any idea why this would happen?

I have been searching for days for a clean method to just copy files off of one SD and put on another one from another Android source expansion SD without luck and it is starting to drive me crazy that android or its manufacturer Samsung in my case don't provide a clean backup to PC (disk) or migrate data data tool.

Just for the record, I tried Samsung Smart Switch as well. It does not get all data, or allow you to select the destination for data to be copied to? (default harddrive didn't have enough space) It does not copy all files it appears anyway if I am reading it user info accurately.

Seriously?! I know I'm venting here a bit due to frustration but isn't it a bid odd there is so much exchange and suggestions on different attempts around a simple data migration or file copy task there must be thousands of people that need to accomplish and no simple embedded tool in the OS or from the manufacturer to accomplish it? I have to be missing something.
I just want to back it all up to a disk on computer through USB and recopy to the new card, everything intact and working..... seems like it should be a pretty simple thing to accomplish to me - or part of the 101 tools in an operating systems.
NO, sorry - I'm not interested in backing up 200GB of data to a cloud option I expect I will have to pay for to use.
Sorry everyone, example above of xcopy command I noticed after post was not explained accurately. This was the second step of process to copy files from backup drive back to new SD card by mistake. But I expect you get the idea. Xcopy was skipping some files and not throwing any errors when executing.
NOTE: I have to say up front that this will only work with files (photos, music, etc.) and not Apps.

You really don't have to go through all that as long as the cards both work in the device you are trying to use them in (assuming is a phone) then you just need access to a computer. You don't need any special software or extra stuff. It is pretty simple.

Put card a in the device. Connect the device to a computer via USB cord. Move or copy all the files (all at once) over to an empty folder on the computer. Once done disconnect the device and changing out the SD cards.

Once the new card is in and accepted by the device, reconnect to the computer via USB cord and copy or move (I suggest copy as better to have backups on the computer) over to the new card in the device. Again, all at once.

While this method can take a few minutes, it is still simple and direct, can be done all files at one time and doesn't cost anything.

Thanks for the feedback. Key on your first paragraph, apps don't work. While I haven't chosen to migrate apps to the SD card, I have chosen to use external storage for app data storage when possible. Some apps I would expect do protection schemes to prevent files from being used elsewhere. I understand if this won't work when using on another device potentially but I'm on the same device. Just want to migrate to larger card on same device (a tablet, Samsung Tab S3 in this case).
It just seems to me to be a pretty common need without having to reinstall a bunch of apps, test to see if working and re-download everything again. That is what I am experiencing. Some did work however successfully. Kudos to those apps. Some apps however even had data I/O issues with their data storage methods. Card tests fine otherwise. Anyone know of any disk imaging tools for Android for future reference?
I just gave up and did the data copy as you mentioned earlier and am cleaning up those apps that are now confused or not working.